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India needs to prepare itself to face 2017 environment disasters

By Kushagra Dixit New Delhi, Jan 4 (IANS) While environment diplomacy at the UN climate change conference in Marrakech last November became uncertain after Donald Trump, a climate change sceptic, won the US presidential elections, experts have suggested that India must tread its own path and start investing to prepare for the future. "India…

क्या मेन्यूफेकचरिंग और निर्माण सेक्टर मंदी की ओर जा रहा है

डॉ आर एस राय दिसंबर में आये मेन्यूफेकचरिंग Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) जो की मेन्यूफेकचरिंग सेक्टर की सेहत का एक मत्वपूर्ण संकेतक है, उसके आंकड़े एक भयावह चित्र खींच रहे हैं, PMI नवम्बर में 52.3 था जो की गिरकर दिसंबर में 49.6 हो…

2017: 4 things India can look forward to

By Mukta Patil An increased focus on renewable energy, more reliable power supply to villages, growing spread of Aadhaar -- the national identification system -- and greater use and spread of the Internet. Those, according to IndiaSpend,…

#Demonetisation has seen decisive outcome: Modi

Headline: Demonetisation has seen decisive outcome: Modi PM Modi’s First & Only Interview after the Demonetisation move: An India Today Exclusive In his first and only interview after the November 8 demonetisation move, Prime…