Agricultural Sector Experiencing high growth in India.

by Avinash Krishna Goswami, B.Com(H)

India is vast and multi diverse country. Agricultural sector has contributed lot in the GDP of the country. It is a continuous effort by the government to make agriculture sector boom in the coming years. India’s land is most fertile and rich in nutrients. This has been found and analysis in the survey that in the time of come, the agriculture sector would employ thousands of people due to its advantageous factors. At center and state level, the government is taking a strong initiative to rule out the problems and take a strong decision on it. Government of India has also initiated number of schemes to uplift the level of the sector and provide prosperous growth to all concerned farmers. The schemes mainly focuses on removal of middleman so that the price benefit can reach directly to the farmers. Subsidy has been a great help for many farmers to make farming cheaper and efficient.

To Promote the sector, recently the Prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi announced a scheme from the stage of Uttar Pradesh, to uplift the farmers. “Pradhan MantriFasalBimaYogana” Under this scheme, the farmers would get their crops insured at low premium amount. If crops are at risk of being damage then the amount insured would be provided by the government to the farmers. Launch of this scheme has energized the farmers and due to this many of them are switching back to agriculture as their prime occupation. Schemes has benefited many of them and it has build confidence among them and sense of attachment and belongingness to mother earth. In order to bring down the suicide cases in the country, the government has waived off loan defaulters in many district as a relief to them.
It has been observed by many researchers and economists that the agriculture sector has lot more potential and growth. Many of the researches has claimed that the level of growth has gone positive and in the time to come it will continue to prosperous. It is a new beginning of a rising India and very soon it is expected that our country would record the highest GDP and growth rate.

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