Blacklisting of Masood Azhar is a big diplomatic win for the country and Indian diplomacy: FM Jaitley
New Delhi: (02/05/2019) On Thursday, Union Ministers Arun Jaitley and Nirmala Sitharaman addressed a Joint Press Conference at BJP Headquarters in Delhi on Masood Azhar after he was designated as a global terrorist.
Defence Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman on UN declaring Masood Azhar as global terrorist said, “Terrorism shall not be tolerated & this declaration from the UN is noteworthy. Persistent measures taken by the MEA, under leadership of PM & his own visits have resulted in this. This became possible after untiring efforts by PM Modi to isolate Pakistan. It’s the persistent effort of our govt. Zero tolerance policy for terror has finally worked.”
FM Arun Jaitley Addressing the Media said, “Govt & PM should be applauded. When the country wins, every Indian wins. It is unfortunate that some friends in the opposition think that if they join in this victory they might have to pay a political price for it.”
He further said, “The core issue is that he’s been declared an international terrorist and obviously the global community has been persuaded by all the material that India has put forward and circulated. Faced with international pressure and because of India’s influence, even the block imposed by China against Masood Azhar listing has given way. This is a big development for Indians.”
“When Congress in its manifesto says we will remove sedition, we will dilute AFSPA, we will dilute Army’s presence in Kashmir certainly these are political issues. The grand old party is now on the fringes,” added Jaitley.
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