BMC Advisors Expands Global Footprint with New Office: Managing Partner Sushma Mathur Unveils Future Plans

Ten News Network

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New Delhi, 15th June, 2024: At the inauguration of BMC Advisors’ new office, Managing Partner Sushma Mathur shared her enthusiasm about leading the firm and the significance of this new milestone. She expressed immense pride in working closely with a dedicated team and emphasized the importance of continually expanding their talent pool to enhance their capabilities.

BMC Advisors stands out as a comprehensive corporate advisory firm, offering a wide range of services that include company mergers, amalgamations, takeovers, joint ventures, IPOs, and more. The firm is committed to supporting companies from their inception through their entire lifecycle, ensuring they receive expert guidance every step of the way.

The cornerstone of BMC Advisors’ success lies in three key priorities: delivering exceptional quality of service, ensuring timely completion of all projects, and maintaining a deep understanding of their clients’ unique requirements. These priorities drive the firm’s commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

Looking ahead, Mathur shared ambitious and exciting plans for the future. With established offices in the US, UK, and Qatar, BMC Advisors aims to further expand its global presence. The goal is to extend their services to more regions worldwide, bringing their expertise to a broader client base and reinforcing their position as a leader in the corporate advisory industry. The inauguration of this new office marks a significant step in realizing these aspirations and underscores the firm’s ongoing growth and success.


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