Speaking to students of UIHMT group of colleges, Brig. K.G. Behl (Retd), President, All India Consumers Council & Sanyukta Nagrik Sangathan, Uttarakhand who was invited as chief Judge, said that we must observe time and try to reach in time whatever time is fixed irrespective of whether strength is full or not or VIP has not arrived. The program should start at the fixed time without waiting for anybody.
Stressing the point he said that change is law of nature and everyone has to change with the time. Those who do not change with the times remain stagnant and after some time start decaying and appear backward against those who change with the time and go ahead bringing latest changes and development taking place at other places in advanced countries. Those who do not change with the times appear retarded and find difficult to move around and miss new techniques which the people who change with the times adopt. Those very people who refuse to avail opportunities offered by the changing times remain behind and in comparison to those who changed with the time. After some time the disparities between the two counterparts become that large that it starts giving the feeling that one section is advanced whereas the other is backward. Moreover after some time a feeling develops in lower group that those who have adopted new techniques have snatched from them facilities which they too could have got but have been deprived by others. An impression is thus created that as if they have been purposely left behind and denied their rights.
The change is not limited to any group, creed, caste, colour or religion and anyone can grab the opportunities which come their way. The trouble is that time never stops and moves quickly. If one wishes to change with the time one has to move fast and grab the opportunity offered by the time. They say that time comes and knocks at the door and moves ahead without waiting for anyone to get up and come out and shake hand with time. By the time one comes out after the knock of time, one finds that time has already gone ahead and at times cannot even be seen. They say that the time is bald from the back and has hair only in front. Those who wish to grab time has to be ready to hold it from the hairs in front as once it passes it is very difficult to hold from bald back. As such those who wish to change with the times has to be ready before the time comes and gives a knock ,so that the movement it appears, it is grabbed. Moreover one has to have the speed and strength of the time as it moves very fast. In order to move with the time one has to be fully prepared before hand.
We must realize that our society constitutes of different types of people who live together and ask for same facilities and privileges for all but those who change with the times develop and attain better status than others. This disparity remains in all sections of the society where it is found that practically all sections have all types of people which include those who changed with the times and also those who did not avail it. Thus, every society has got people who are economically weak or economically well off. As such it becomes difficult to bring parity among all. Time has now come when all economically weak sections of the society irrespective of any caste, creed or religion should be given reservation for limited time so that they may strive and achieve equality with others. The method of reservation is adopted to bring parity within a limited period.
The reservation means taking away from one and given to other who need it. Both the persons must realize that it is a time gap arrangement and the concerned persons must work hard to achieve the results so that such a situation is soon achieved where the difference between the two become almost nil. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the best example where he got scholarships and utilized those to the best advantage of self and public. That is where he rose to become Bharat Ratna. Those people for whom reservation is done must fully utilize it in the shortest possible time so that a feeling is not generated in the minds of those from whom this reservation has been taken away that it is being misused or is not being used for the purpose for which it was allowed. Reservation should be done for economically weak people in such a way that it should help in bringing all people to one level of standard living.
The Indian Constitution very nicely lays down the duties and responsibilities of all but lately it is observed that those are not being followed sincerely may it be legislative, Executive or Judiciary and laid down duties and responsibilities are either being under or over played. The Parliament should examine those critically and make amends so that those are exercised within their jurisdiction in the best interest of the Society and Country. All of us must think of the country first and specially youth who get swayed by the different sections of the society and are made to carry out acts which are anti national and do more harm than good to them as well as the country.
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