Conservation of Natural Resources as Green Assembly

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DPS Indirapuram organized a special assembly on ‘the conservation of Natural Resource’. It was graced by the presence of the school principal Ms. Meeta Rai & the Headmistress of Pre-Primary-Ms. Rohini Duggal.The assembly was a wonderful effort by the students of class Prep. The students presented enlightening thoughts on the importance of natural resources as well as anchored the event. There was also a wonderfully coordinated Yoga presentation in which the tiny tots showed various asanas essential for our well-being like cobra pose, Dharm Asana, Paschimotan asana. This was followed by a play highlighting the importance of some natural resources, through various vignettes on how we waste water, electricity and how it can be avoided.

The assembly was also pepped up by a lively dance performance by the talented toddlers of Prep. The school principal Ms. Meeta Rai emphasized on how we needed to be more environment conscious and lauded the efforts of the tiny tots and the teachers in putting together such a wonderful event.

The assembly concluded with the vote of thanks delivered by the Headmistress Pre-primary Ms. Rohini Duggal. She reiterated the inspiration presence of the school principal as well as expressed her gratitude to the parents for their presence.

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