Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22nd worldwide.

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Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22nd worldwide. Events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection and to honor the Earth and the concept of peace. The students of Greater Valley School celebrated Earth Day with various outdoor performances throughout the week. GVS is a green school which actively participates in nurturing and restoring our nature all year long.

To commemorate the day Students were engaged in planting trees around the campus and in the neighboring societies. With the express growth in the industrial & commercial sector and with the growing concrete jungle, the school believes in carrying out plantation drives, to instill this habit in students, the school encourages the students to plant saplings on their birthdays. Our students are aware that Earth is home to all of us, we are all in this together and we are all accountable for it. To keep our surroundings clean and to ensure that pollution is curbed, students carried out cleanliness drive in various areas of Greater Noida. Students lead by Principal Ms. Poonam Chaubey actively participated in conducting various programs for recycling and conservation. “Saamarth” the vocational center of GVS is involved in converting junk into attractive ecofriendly articles.

The ISA project undertaken by the School of Vermicom posting kindles in our students the awareness and knowledge to efficiently turn waste into an environmentally safe product through ecologically safe method. This helps sensitizing our young minds towards the environment and making green warriors out of them. We are proud that since the conception of this project, our students have successfully sold a good number of indigenous processed compost packets. The students prepared thought provoking posters depicting the need of the hour and the fragility of the eco-system. To reinforce the urgency and to call for stronger and immediate actions to stop global warming and to reverse environmental destruction the students from Grade IV to XI participated in an Inter House Nukkad Natak Competition and enlightened their classmates.

Addressing the students, Principal Ms. Poonam Chaubey counseled the young students and encouraged them to be role models who not only REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE but also REPEAT this practice and make it a part of their daily schedule. She said, “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

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