First ever exclusive health lifestyle officially launched in Noida

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V2 Motion Pictures recently launched “Breathe”, the country’s first exclusive 24×7 definitive and comprehensive health and lifestyle channel pledged to the cause of creating mass level awareness about healthcare and wellness in an elaborately entertaining and informative manner to all age groups. In a glittering event, the channel was unveiled in the presence of a vast gathering of distinguished personalities and guests. A brainchild of two visionaries namely Vikas Kalra and Vishal Salhotra, “Breathe” will be going on air around Dhanteras later this year. Speaking on the occasion, Vishal Salhotra, managing director V2 Motion Pictures shared, “Once the channel goes on air, it will not just set new benchmarks, but more aptly be a watershed moment for the Indian TV Industry. We draw our inspiration from the timeless adage, “Health is Wealth” which speaks volumes about how significant it is to be in a good healthy state. While health related problems and issues have been discussed at length in print and on the virtual world, nothing concrete has really been done on the electronic medium barring few exceptions. Since time immemorial there have been countless of health related myths which is precisely why we will leave no stone unturned in busting them in the larger interest of the viewers.”

“It has been a conscious and deliberate initiative to stay away from foraying into the usual run of the mill “news channel business”. Realizing the colossal need for a full fledged medium to educate and aware the masses about the various aspects apropos good health, we decided to venture into a terrain where no one else ever dared. In the 21st century we may be endowed with the latest gizmos, gadgets and scientific advancements, yet we are sardonically plagued with myriads of health related complications and ailments all thanks to our sedentary lifestyle and lack of information about the corrective measures and procedures needed to be incorporated in our day to day lives. Keeping these pertinent factors in mind, ‘Breathe’ has been conceived to address the plethora of health related problems, and ensure that we drastically reduce the number of sick people every year”, said Vikas Kalra, another director at V2 Motion Pictures.

The channel has roped in healthcare professionals and other experts for elucidating comprehensively on the various fitness fundamentals, disciplined routine of food habits and the pertinence of eating a balanced and a nourished diet.

Breathe will be introducing new helpline numbers for road accident and acid attack victims which will help provide immediate medical aid sans any legal hiccups or encumbrances. For this, they are formalizing tie-up’s with legal luminaries to help people in distress avail the medical help in time. Added Salhotra, “For effectively accomplishing our mission and ambition, the diligent team of V2 Motion Pictures has undertaken a novel initiative by organizing a mega scale seminar named “Unlock” in frequent time spans wherein healthcare experts as well as other distinguished personalities from diverse fields from pan India and overseas will brainstorm on ways to augmenting the medical tourism business in the country as well as to address the lacunas in the Indian Healthcare system. The first of its kind medical tourism seminar was organized in January earlier this year in Noida which evoked an overwhelming response from all quarters. The medical tourism event saw an impressive participation of speakers from not just the healthcare industry, but also from the legal world, sports field, hospitality segment, government representatives, diplomats and foreign officials etc. The fact that Indian Healthcare Industry has been growing at a phenomenal pace has indubitably stirred us to showcase the best of the Indian healthcare industry to the outside world.”

Breathe will relentlessly strive to bridge the gap between the healthcare providers and the seekers of such amenities in different countries all around the globe times to come. The promotion of medical tourism in the country will in turn, bring in lot of foreign exchange, and thus do a world to the economy reeling under a severe crisis. Breathe will also aggressively endeavour to address the lacunas in the Indian Healthcare industry in the rural belts through numerous workshops, seminars and interactive events.”
Buoyed by the success of the event in January earlier this year, V2 Motion Pictures is organizing another such medical tourism seminar in Indonesia in conjunction with Indonesian Doctor’s Association (IDA) and Kadin (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) on 15th May later this year. Needless to say, the response for this forthcoming event too has been extremely heartwarming. In order to achieve their ambitious objectives, the focus is on striking alliances and associations with dynamic entrepreneurs and visionaries who believe in making a marked difference to the lives of people around them, and the society on the whole.

Hailing the niche initiative by V2 Motion Pictures, Dr RK Tuli, chief consultant Holistic Medicine and founder of “Society for Holistic Advancement of Medicine (SOHAM)” expressed a great deal of optimism about the prospects of a maiden TV channel all set to be exclusively dedicated to the cause of healthcare and lifestyle. Pointed Dr Tuli, “Nothing short of the golden dictum, “Single step for man, and a giant leap for mankind” will suffice at this juncture. Breathe is poised to take the electronic media viewing to an altogether different level all thanks to the meticulously devised content and programs for the benefit of the viewers pan India. Amen!!

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