GLBIMR, Greater Noida, Ranked 5th in Top 5 B-schools by Outlook Money
G.L.Bajaj Institute of Management & Research, Greater Noida has been ranked 5th in Top 5 B-schools by ROI in the Outlook Money Best B – Schools Ranking . The academic excellence of 19 years has led G.L.Bajaj Institute of Management & Research to achieve a distinctive position in India.In a recent survey conducted by Outlook Money, GLBIMR, Greater Noida has been ranked 5th in top B – schools. The consistent and stellar performance records of the Institution are the result of extensive exposure and experience in synchronicity with the ever changing industry trends. Dr. Urvashi Makkar , Director General, GLBIMR mentioned that these achievements would not have been possible without the constant guidance of Shri Pankaj Agarwal, Vice Chairman, G.L Bajaj Group of Institutions, Greater Noida.
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