Indian Diplomacy Emphasizes Multi-Layered Approach for Global Leadership: SC Advocate Ashok Bhan

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In a gathering of esteemed members from the Strategic community and diplomats at the executive meeting of the Kashmir (Policy and Strategy) Group in New Delhi today, Ashok Bhan, a prominent Supreme Court Advocate and Chairman, underscored the necessity for India to adopt a nuanced and multifaceted diplomatic strategy to fulfill its aspirations of global leadership.

Bhan emphasized that for India to emerge as a leading global power, its diplomacy must be multi-layered and multi-pronged, aimed at maximizing partnerships while mitigating challenges. He stressed the importance of nurturing deep national strengths, promoting inclusive political narratives, and leveraging science and modern technology as foundational pillars for economic growth. Bhan emphasized the significance of fostering comfort, trust, and international collaborations with progressive nations to bolster India’s position on the global stage.

Against the backdrop of a polarized and uncertain world, Bhan highlighted the critical role of effective diplomacy in fostering collaboration, especially with larger nations. He noted that amidst the challenges posed by conflicts and climate change, connectivity has become paramount, with supply chains and logistics needing to be resilient and redundant. Bhan pointed to recent endeavors such as the IMEC corridor linking India to Europe and the Atlantic, the INSTC spanning Iran and Russia, and the trilateral highway facilitating connectivity to the Pacific, as examples of India’s expanding regional footprint.

In the post-COVID era, Bhan noted that strategic autonomy has become a priority for significant nations worldwide, emphasizing the need for India to prioritize the development of its basic needs and critical infrastructure domestically.

Looking ahead to the 2024 elections and their implications for India’s social inclusivity and global standing, Bhan highlighted the importance of informed decision-making by Indian voters. He expressed hope that Indian democracy, as the largest in the world, would demonstrate maturity and astuteness in electing a government committed to addressing poverty, unemployment, and fostering inclusive growth. Bhan emphasized the significance of prioritizing science, technology, collaborative diplomacy, an inclusive society, the rule of law, and constitutional principles in India’s journey forward.

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