International Epilepsy Day – 12 Feb.

 International Epilepsy Day is observed World over on 12 Feb. every year to educate people about this common disease which is considered dreaded due to its sudden appearance and physical actions.  But the fact remains that it is a neurological condition and can be treated and controlled if a neurologist is consulted at the earliest.  Unfortunately people run to Ohjas who deal with  Godly Spirits and try to treat but fail as it is a neurologic disease and becomes too late by the time  they reach the Neurologic doctor. Even at that late time it can be treated and controlled but it talked more time and precautions.

According to WHO India is home to about 12 Million epilepsy patients, amounting to roughly one fifth of the total global patients. In India early detection is a must which can lead to complete and early cure. Actually proper understanding of causes and risk factor are essential for effective management and treatment of epilepsy. Moreover it is seen that most of the epilepsy patients  are still either untreated or inadequately treated in India as they still run to spiritual healers.

        The main cause of epilepsy they say is poor neonatal care, head trauma and infections like pork tape worm etc. Malnutrition and certain fear or phobia are the other too most important factors which are generally ignored and lead to this. Proper diet as recommended by the doctor is very essential along with medicine. In many a cases it has been observed that patients do take medicines but do not take prescribed diet due to one or the other reason. Timings of taking medicines are also equally important and so also taking Diet. On top of all is generating confidence that the patient is in good hands and getting all needed assistance and be kept cheerful as far as possible.

 As we all know in spiritualism there is a link between Atma and Parmatma. Through Atma Parmatma keeps a watch on each Atma and allows some age to each body in which Atma lives.But some times the body leaves Atma due to some accident or other wear and tear but Atma of some of the such bodies have to live without bodies till the alloted time is completed. Such Atmas try to live quietly buying per chance someone disturbs them they enter that body and some time create havoc but generally leave the body when their terms and conditions are fulfilled. These terms and conditions  they tell only to those  Spritualists who have learnt how to talk to such Atmas and are generally called Ohjas. Such cases are also some times are associated with epilepsy as the initial symptoms are sometimes the same. One has to be very careful and ensure that no mistake is made and time is not unnecessarily wasted and proper treatment gets started at the earliest.

It has been clarified as in India very many cases get mixed up and it takes time to analyse as to which category it belongs. It is the main reason  why so many cases of epilepsy remain unresolved and untreated. If those are diagnosed in time and treated as per their cause the number will come down.

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