National Gallery of Modern Art to run ONLINE NAIMISHA 2020- Summer Art Program from 8th June to 3rd July 2020
Ten News Network
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi has announced ONLINE NAIMISHA 2020- Summer Art Program from 8th June 2020 to 3rd July 2020. During this pandemic situation and lockdown, museums and cultural institutions cannot serve visitors and audiences as usual. It led NGMA to explore new areas and platforms to reach to its audiences. In the last two month or so NGMA has organised many programs and exhibitions virtually. The technological development provides an opportunity to organise such programs digitally. So, NGMA is making an endeavour to host its most popular summer art program NAIMISHA digitally.
The month-long ONLINE summer program by NGMA, New Delhi is an initiative to provide a chance to its participants to create and learn from practicing artists without compromising their health. Four inclusive workshops have been planned by NGMA to engage and increase engagement virtually. The announcement of these workshops on 1st June was very well received with the registration of more than 600 participants. In the online NAIMISH 2020 program, four workshops will be organized entitled Painting workshop, Sculpture workshop, Printmaking and Indrajaal – The Magic of Art (Interdisciplinary creative workshop to understand Freedom) from 8th June 2020 to 3rd July 2020. Online workshops sessions will be organized in two groups: Group 1: 6 years to 15 years having the timings: 11 am to 11.35 am and Group 2: 16 years and above with no closing limit having the timings: 4.00 pm to 4.35 pm
Director Genera of National Gallery of Modern Art Shri Adwaita Charan Garanayak said,”as the first Director General of the National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), I firmly believe in making museums virtually accessible to the public. Summer art program 2020 is a step further towards engaging all sections of our society with the museum and its activities. From Monday onward, I along with the senior-junior artist will reach to you on your screen and we all will try to learn to create art together. The title of the program NAIMISHA-represents a sacred place where people offer their shraddha or devotion. I believe in broadening the scope of NGMA’s activities especially in the field of education as an institution and reaching each and every fraction of the society.”
The exhibition of selected artworks from NAIMISHA 2020 Summer Art Program will be displayed virtually on SO-HAM the Cultural media platform of NGMA for public viewing soon.
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