In a strange case of forgery, Mumbai’s Vasai police have recently arrested two fraudsters on charges of making a teenager steal cash and jewellery worth over 15 Lakh rupees.
The duo had convinced the school-going boy that his parents were in danger and he needed to steal jewellery in order to save them.
According to the police, the theft occurred between January 5 and February 10. Accused Menon recently befriended the 12-year-old boy. The police said he once asked him for money but the boy said he didn’t have any. In January Menon allegedly introduced the boy to Ansari, claiming he could predict the future.
Ansari allegedly told the kid that his parents were in trouble and only he could save them. He then asked the kid to keep lemons given by him in his parents’ bedroom. The police said the accused also told the kid that he would have to take all the jewellery from the house and give it to them. After that he would perform black magic on it and save his parents.
Later, in February the boy’s mother opened the compartment of the cupboard where they kept the jewellery and found it missing and the lemons instead. The police were informed and during investigation they found that the boy had taken the jewellery. He also revealed why he had done so.
Based on the kid’s statement, the Vasai police registered the case and arrested both the accused.