Pagadi System: Rajdhani Pagadi Kiraydar Sangathan Demands Immediate Reforms in Rent Control Act!


New Delhi -04/02/2010 : “Rajdhani Pagadi Kiraydar Sangathan addressed a press conference at Press Club of India to speak out the “Pagadi system” issues faced by the tenant shopkeepers in Delhi.

The transfer of tenancy rights against tenancy premium which is also known as”Pagadi System” is prevalent in some states. In this system the tenant landlord acquires tenancy rights in the property against payment of tenancy premium.
The landlord may be owner of property but the possession of the same lies with tenant.

The organisation claimed that before 2014 general election Rajnath Singh assured the shopkeepers that Thier government will bring strict tenancy laws which will benefit the small scale shopkeepers and also have several meetings with BJP Chief Amit Shah but the government’s tenure is about end no action has been taken.

The shopkeepers used slogans, “Rozi roti cheeni hamari, vote Nahi dega vyappari.”

The organisation leaders warning the ruling government said that they will begin a nationwide movement to influence the businessmen to “not to vote”.

According to Naresh Chawal, Vice President, RPKS, the current tenancy issues has destroyed the business of more than one lakh businessmen in the national capital and among them most of them were died due to heart attack.

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