Progressive Community Foundation demands an independent enquiry over quality of water

Vishnu Saini

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Noida 25/11/2019  : Progressive Community Foundation on the behalf of Noida request have raised Public grievance with Ministry of water and Sanitation and requested for an independent inquiry in this and actions at central Government levels.

Drawing the attention towards the quality of water, PCF representative Vishnu Saini said that Many of times brackish and tinted water is being supplied by the Noida authority, to taps in established sectors and the authority has still not installed new treatment plants or upgraded its infrastructure, such as old pipelines and tube wells. On other side the group housing sector are deprived of the sufficient water supply to societies. The required demand is not met by authority and mainly ground water is used in group housing societies.

The issue has been raised many times in last five six year with Noida Authority , but still no resolution done.

The quality of ground water is not good. The problem with the water quality is that there are a lot of hard chemicals like carbonates of calcium and magnesium present in the ground. So even after proper refining their traces do remain. The problem is as such that it cannot be fully solved since the technology to completely get rid of these elements is not yet available in here, Said Amit Gupta.

RO is used in almost every household in Group housing societies , which wastes a lot water. The water extracted from ground is hard water with TDS value of more than 1800 and it is almost unusable without treatment. Residents spends big amounts annually to maintain the water system in their homes, mentions Shweta Bharti of NEFOWA.

The prolonged exposure to hard water causes skin diseases, infections and hair loss. Residents sometimes complain that the water supplied by the builder is too hard to be used for drinking and cooking purpose even after filtration by RO. White layer accumulation over bathroom fittings & kitchen utensils, corrosion of iron pipes and discoloration of clothes are some common problems due to water hardness.

The minerals present in hard water especially calcium gets accumulated on the filter and semipermeable membrane of RO making the filtration process extremely difficult. This finally results in poor quality of drinking water.

It has been more than four decades since Noida was established and there is still no direct 24 hours supply of potable water to houses. Though the Ganga water is being supplied for few hours in day but the supply gets disrupted in many months. The treated water supplied by Authority is hard, sandy, sour in taste in the residential sectors, Mr Sushil Jain quoted who stay in Sector 92.

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