Rabi Crops Sowing Crosess 520 Lakh Hactare

Rabi Crops Sowing Crosess 520 Lakh Hactare

           As per preliminary reports received from the States, the total area sown under Rabi crops as on 23rd    December, 2015 stands at 520.07 lakh hectares.

Wheat has been sown/transplanted in 259.37 lakh hectares, pulses in 125.95 lakh hectares, coarse cereals in 52.94 lakh hectares. Area sown under oilseeds is 69.64 lakh hectares and Rice is 12.17 lakh hectares.

The area sown so far and that sown during last year this time is as follows:

Lakh hectare

Crop Area sown in 2015-16 Area sown in 2014-15
Wheat 259.37 279.60
Pulses 125.95 124.77
Coarse Cereals 52.94 47.83
Oilseeds 69.64 74.35
Rice 12.17 13.62
Total 520.07 540.17

Note- The Crop Weather Watch Group meeting could not held on last Friday i.e. 25th December, 2015 due to Christmas holiday.

SS/CP: weather watch 28.12.2015 

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