Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji , Organised by BIMTECH , at India Expo Mart , Greater Noida.

“Happiness is when you want nothing and you want to give. Where the wanting and desires end and the sharing begins, happiness is here.”- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on happiness.


His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a spiritual leader of global repute, addressed a gathering, bestowed his blessings and enlightened a select gathering of corporate leaders, civil servants, academicians, professionals, and diplomats with his special address on “Success and Happiness “organised by BIMTECH at the India Expo Mart, Greater Noida.


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a humanitarian and spiritual leader, an ambassador of peace and human values. Through his life and work, Sri Sri has inspired millions around the world with a vision of a stress-free, violence-free world.  He has founded courses like the Art of Living that provide techniques and tools to live a deeper, more joyous life and he has established non-profit organizations that recognize a common human identity above the boundaries of race, nationality, and religion.


The director of BIMTECH Dr H. Chaturvedi commenced the program addressing the gathering and welcoming his holiness with his thoughtful words. Then Sri Sri captivated the audience with his enchanting words and the hall was enveloped in an air of spirituality and enlightenment.


He began his address by differentiating between success and wealth. He said that wealth does not define success, wealth can be stolen, or gained by unethical means. Success is achieved by doing things ethically and in the right manner. To really achieve success or to become successful one should redefine his definition of success, and should not be in a hurry to acquire wealth. One should be patient and persistent to achieve success, and focus on important things in life as we have “attention deficiency”.


He then enlightened the crowd by speaking on happiness. He said, that we cannot be happy until we don’t leave behind the past. Unpleasant memories are the biggest hindrance for one to be happy in the present. He further added, one cannot be happy until his surroundings are unhappy. He then focused on the importance of spreading happiness among others. He said that we should have a nature of spreading happiness and sharing our joy with others.


Taking about India, he said that people have started discarding culture and need to enhance the beauty of our traditions. He further added that not all old is bad and not all new is good. As technology is there for our bodily comfort, in the same way spirituality is there for the comfort our mind and soul. To give a practical experience he asked the audience to meditate along with him.


Eventually, his Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar blessed a mango sapling, which signifies that the fruits of life should be shared with everyone. He ended the memorable and eventful program by saying that we can never be successful and happy until we are at peace with ourselves.


Photo Gallery : A special address by @SriSri Ravi Shankar Ji on Success and Happiness at India Expo Mart, Greater Noida


@srisri : Guruji: “Three things to hold on to- sharpness in the intellect, happiness in the mind and tenderness in the heart.” @bimtech

@srisri : Vote of thanks being proposed by Deputy Director Bimtech, Anupama Varma: “guruji is an apostle of brotherhood, harmony and tolerance.” @bimtech


@srisri : Guruji blessing a mango sapling to be planted at Bimtech and being presented with a beautiful memento by Dr Chaturvedi @bimtech


@srisri : guided meditation by guruji for everyone inside the hall at India expo centre, a calming and enlightening experience, beautiful! @bimtech


@srisri : Guruji speaks: “parameters of success: where there are beds available in hospitals and prison cells are empty are signs of a successful society” @bimtech


@srisri : Guruji speaks: “parameters of success: a smile that is undying, confidence tht cannot be shaken, a fearless attitude are all signs of success” @bimtech


@srisri : guruji joined by dr Chaturvedi, Mr. KC Arora, Prof. Sahay and Mr. Anupam varma of bimtech on the stage. Suhani Mahajan reporting love from the India expo centre @bimtech


@srisri : Welcome address by director of bimtech Dr Chaturvedi: “guruji embodiment of peace and harmony all over the world” @bimtech


@srisri : Guruji and his entourage have just stepped on stage to a hearty round of applause and cheering! Dr. Chaturvedi, director bimtech welcomes him with flowers @bimtech


@srisri : Guruji arriving in a few minutes, witnessing a heartening audio visual about his work, sudarshan Kriya and the global phenomenon that the art of living foundation has become. @bimtech


@srisri : we have just been joined by shree shravan Kumar Sharma ji, former commissioner Meerut division among other eminent personalities @bimtech


@srisri : volunteers of the art of living, students and faculty of bimtech and the audience inside the hall will be blessed with Sri sri’s presence in just a few more minutes. @bimtech


@srisri : Welcome address by director of bimtech Dr Chaturvedi: “guruji embodiment of peace and harmony all over the world” @bimtech

@srisri : In moments of need & moments of gratitude you always remember a greater power. That is when prayer happens @bimtech


@srisri: Just arrived at the India expo centre, the place is abuzz with palpable excitement for the arrival of Sri Sri! People are pouring in to be a part of this grand event. Suhani Mahajan reporting live from inside the expo centre. @bimtech


@srisri : Special address by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on ‘Success & happiness.’ @bimtech


Special Address of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji , Organised by BIMTECH , on August 30, 2014 , at 6.00 pm , at India Expo Mart , Greater Noida

E-Invite of Special Address by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji