Sourcing Consultant Organization President Vishal Dhingra Applauds IHGF Delhi Fair 2023

Ten News Network

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Greater Noida (16/10/2023): In an exclusive interview with Ten News at the IHGF Delhi Fair 2023, Vishal Dhingra, President of the Sourcing Consultants Association, extended his warmest commendations to the organizers for their remarkable work. The event, hosted at the India Expo Mart, continues to shine, exemplifying a commitment to excellence.

Dhingra expressed his delight, highlighting the event’s forward momentum as it strives to align itself with the standards of America and Europe. He lauded both the Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) and India Expo Mart for their instrumental roles in orchestrating this extraordinary showcase of innovation and craftsmanship.

Curiosity abounds regarding the contributions of the Sourcing Consultants Association for Vendors and Buyers during this event. Dhingra shed light on their pivotal role as intermediaries, bridging the gap between vendors. Their focus extends to educating vendors on the forthcoming Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards anticipated by 2025, underscoring the significance of environmental sustainability and governance. Furthermore, they provide invaluable support to importers, ensuring their specific requirements are met within their respective countries.

In the backdrop of ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, Dhingra noted the significant influx of individuals turning to India as a sourcing destination. India remains a key beneficiary of the ‘China plus one’ policy. Dhingra expressed his hope for a swift resolution of the ongoing conflicts and a return to a more peaceful and stable global environment. He concluded by commending India Expo Mart and APACHA for their well-executed program, eagerly anticipating the upcoming event in February, while extending his best wishes to all the vendors.

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