Supreme Court to make judgements available in six other regional languages including Hindi

Talib Khan / Rahul Kumar Jha

New Delhi, (3/7/2019): The Supreme Court has taken a big decision which will benefit the large community of the country. Demand has been rising from time to time for providing court decisions in local languages.

The court has accepted this plea and by the end of this month, the decisions of the Supreme Court will be made available in six languages ​​including Hindi.

According to the court, till the end of this month, court will give its judgements in six other Indian languages ​​including Hindi, Kannada, Assamese, Oriya and Telugu.
Also, the Court will provide the sentences of 500 pages or more in Hindi.

The Supreme Court has been providing decisions only in English on its website so far, because of which the people who did not know English had to face too much trouble.

The Supreme Court has completed its preparations to translate decisions in Hindi. To provide all the matter in Hindi, the in House Electronic Software Wing will work, to which the court has given a green flag.

In the beginning, the court will upload civil matters on the website.

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