Telegram to introduce Stories Feature Next Month

Ten News Network

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New Delhi, 28th June 2023: Telegram, an instant messaging (IM) service, will launch its version of Stories next month.

CEO Pavel Durov said in a blog post that Stories was one of the most requested additions by users, stating, “More than half of all feature requests that we receive are related to Stories.”

The company had previously resisted adding Stories since they were “already everywhere,” but succumbed after realising that “Telegram wouldn’t be Telegram if we didn’t listen to our users and innovate on existing formats.”

Users of Telegram’s Stories will be able to add captions with context or links, as well as tag other users.

You can share Stories with all contacts, make them public, or choose from a selection of close friends or individual contacts.

They will appear in an expanding list at the top of your conversations, similar to Meta’s Stories implementation in Messenger. Users will be able to hide stories by adding them to a “Hidden” list. You can also make Stories by using both phone cameras at the same time.

You will be able to specify how long the Stories will be displayed before they expire, “in 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours,” or even post them permanently on your profile.

Telegram is currently testing the feature and anticipates that it will be available in early July.

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