The 19,500 km work for Bharat Mala project will boost revival of Commercial Vehicles: FADA

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Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today announced the introduction of a vehicle scrappage scheme wherein commercial vehicles that are 15 years old or more and personal vehicles more than 20 years old will have to be scrapped.

This announcement has been welcomed as a big boost for the auto sector.

Vinkesh Gulati, President FADA said “FADA is happy to note that the Hon’ble Finance Minister has finally announced the much awaited Scrappage Policy, though voluntary to phase out old vehicles. If we take 1990 as base year, there are approximately 37L CVs and 52L PVs eligible for voluntarily scrappage. As an estimate, 10% of CV and 5% of PV may still be plying on road. We still need to see the fine prints to access the kind of incentives which will be on offer and thus have a +ve effect on retail.

The 6,575 km Highway works proposed in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West Bengal and Assam and another 19,500 km work for Bharat Mala project will definitely add fillip to much needed revival of Commercial Vehicles especially M&HCV segment.

Government’s reduction of customs duty on steel products to 7.5% will benefit Auto OEMs. We hence expect the benefit to trickle down to end customers thus helping in boosting of demand.

While we expected disposable income for individuals to increase with enhancement of IT slabs and depreciation benefit on vehicles for individuals, the same has not been taken into consideration.”

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