New Delhi: The 1st Quality Education Conclave with the theme, ‘Aligning NEP with SDGs : Imperative for industry and academia’ was organized today in New Delhi.

The conclave was attended by all the stakeholders including government, policymakers and industry. Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ Minster HRD, Manish Sisodia Deputy CM Delhi, Dr Bhushan Patwradhan, Vice Chairman at UGC and Dr. H Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH were some keynote speakers for the event.
Speaking at the conclave, the HRD Minister talked about the new education policy that is being prepared. He said, “The policy will include sports, moral values and every aspect of life.
We have have done a lot of discussion over the policy and seeked suggestion from more than 2 lakh people accros the country and also tried to implement those suggestions in the policy. Over 80 % of the people appreciated the policy and soon it will be regulated.”
Dr. Chaturvedi who is also the conclave director talked about the major challenges India will be facing in upcoming five to ten years in terms of economic growth. “The first challenge was thrown up by the government of India itself by setting a target to make India a 5 trillion economy.
Its aspirational to achieve it but for that Indian economy has to grow 11 to 12 percent per annum. In last few years we have grown at 7 percent, so to take it to 11 percent will be a major challenge.”
Further he said “Now a days our economy is going through a bad phase and we are witnessing a jobless growth. So providing jobs to 10 million young talents that are graduating every year is an another challenge. And the third major challenge is emargance of fourth Industrial revolution of industry 4.0. Lot of disruptive technology has emerged that has disrupted the industrial scenario, how the work is done is industry has entirely changed, job structure has changed, profitability structure has changed.”
The conclave hold three sessions in first session discussion held over the new 5+3+3+4 school education design. Second session is over quality assurance, accreditation and ranking while the concluding session is about leveraging innovation and technology.
Vice Chairman UGC said UGC is not a just a building at Bahadurja shafar Marg but its a collaboration of 972 university and 40 thousands collages. He questioned the Inida education system and said “Are we really a student centric education system, When ever a student comes to a college we give him a prospectus and tell them these are the courses we offer, this is the cariculam and this these are the papers. We don’t stop even here we give a question bank and we go even beyond and tell them moral answers, and then we asses them on their capacity to memories it and reproduce in examination and this is how we run our entire system.”
He added We are using 21st century technology with 18th century mindset.
Eric Falt, Director, UNESCO India presented the data on how education enhances the living standard and take us to sustainable development. He told “It is seen that women having post primary education has 15 percent less mortality rate in their child.”
The conclave remained jam packed throughout all sessions and concluded with vote of thanks by Aseem Kumar UN GCNI.
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