Union Minister Narayan Rane Honors India Expo Mart CEO Sudeep Sarcar for Successful UPITS 2023

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Greater Noida, 25th September: In a momentous culmination to the grand five-day extravaganza that was the UP International Trade Show 2023, Union Minister Narayan Rane bestowed a prestigious appreciation award upon Sudeep Sarcar, the CEO of India Expo Mart Limited. The felicitation took place on the event’s final day, marking a remarkable acknowledgment of Sarcar’s instrumental role in orchestrating the resounding success of this premier trade show.

The UP International Trade Show, held at the state-of-the-art India Expo Mart in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, brought together a diverse array of businesses and products from across the state. This marquee event served as a pivotal platform for forging alliances, exploring trade opportunities, and showcasing the potential of Uttar Pradesh on a global stage.

Sudeep Sarcar, as the CEO of India Expo Mart Limited, assumed a central role in the meticulous planning, execution, and seamless organization of the event, which spanned five days of intensive networking, exhibitions, and insightful panel discussions.

The award presented to Sarcar was not only a symbol of appreciation but also a recognition of his unwavering commitment to advancing India’s position in the global business landscape. Under his guidance, the India Expo Mart has continued to evolve into a world-class facility, attracting major national and international events to the region.

Sarcar, speaking to Ten News, expressed his gratitude for the honor and emphasized the collaborative spirit that made the UP International Trade Show 2023 a resounding success. He lauded the support of the government, exhibitors, participants, and the dedicated team at India Expo Mart Limited.

The UP International Trade Show 2023 witnessed a convergence of industries ranging from manufacturing and technology to agriculture and healthcare. It provided a unique platform for businesses to showcase their products and services, explore investment opportunities, and engage in meaningful discussions to foster economic growth.

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