United College of Engineering and Research’s Professor Ranked amongst the Top 2% scientists of the World Listed by Stanford’s University
Stanford University recently released the list of most-cited scientists in various areas, amongst which United College of Engineering and Research’s Principal Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav also holds a ranking amongst the world’s top 2% of the scientists.
Dr. Yadav, from the Computer Science Engineering Department, whose subfield area is Physics and Astronomy, holds a worldwide rank of 1203. This achievement places United College of Engineering and Research, Greater Noida on the global map of excellence in Engineering and brings great laurels to the Institute.
Dr. Mona Gulati Puri, CEO of United Group of Institutions, further glorifying this achievement added that “It is indeed a very proud moment for the college and this is just an exemplary example of how the institution is committed to creating an army of quality researchers to contribute in the field of Engineering.”
The list was prepared by Stanford University and Elsevier BV, a Netherlands-based publishing company in which Dr. Yadav was listed amongst the other scientists from IITs, IISc, and other top Institutions. The list provides a piece of standardized information on citations, co-authorship in different scientific fields including Physics, material sciences, engineering, plant biology. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score or a percentile rank of 2% or above.