US Senate Stands Strong: Bipartisan Resolution Supports India’s Sovereignty, Confronts China’s Aggression

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New Delhi, July 14, 2023: In a resounding show of support for India, the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC) has approved a bipartisan resolution affirming the integral status of Arunachal Pradesh within India. This landmark resolution, introduced by Senators Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Bill Haggerty of Tennessee, highlights India’s commendable efforts in defending itself against the aggression and security threats posed by China.

The resolution, co-sponsored by Senators John Cornyn of Texas, Tim Kaine of Virginia, and Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, not only applauds India’s defense modernization and diversification but also commends its developmental endeavors in Arunachal Pradesh, including significant steps to enhance border infrastructure. Furthermore, the resolution emphasizes the deepening of US assistance to the region, along with encouraging like-minded partners to bolster their own support to Arunachal Pradesh.

This resolution’s approval by the SFRC underscores the Senate’s increasing role as a strong advocate for India, promoting deeper defense and security ties while fostering high-level engagement with Indian political leaders. This support is expected to prove invaluable when the US executive seeks India-specific exemptions from Congress in sensitive defense and technology domains, further strengthening bilateral ties.

While successive US administrations have recognized Arunachal Pradesh as part of India since 1962, this legislative endorsement adds legitimacy to India’s position, particularly amid heightened tensions with China, which persistently rejects India’s claims. Notably, this detailed resolution represents the first of its kind in the US legislature, explicitly condemning China’s actions and actively supporting India’s countermeasures. Its significance lies in the bipartisan backing it garners, ranging from progressive Democrats to conservative Republicans.

Senator Merkley, also the co-chair of the Congressional executive commission on China, emphasized that the resolution affirms the US stance on Arunachal Pradesh, supporting India while deepening support and assistance to the region alongside international partners who share the same values of freedom and a rules-based order.

Senator Haggerty, renowned for his expertise on Indo-Pacific matters and having served as the US ambassador to Japan, expressed his satisfaction in co-leading this resolution, reaffirming India’s territorial integrity and challenging China’s provocations.

Senator Cornyn, co-chair of the Senate India caucus, stressed the importance of standing strong in support of democracy, a free and open Indo-Pacific, and urged fellow senators to promptly pass the resolution amid escalating tensions between India and China along the border.

With influential leaders like Senator Bob Menendez, the SFRC chair, and Senator James Risch, the committee’s ranking member, supporting India’s position, the Senate emerges as a steadfast friend, shaping foreign policy and enabling future cooperation between the two nations.

The Senate’s unwavering support for India has been evident through various actions, including the Senate Armed Services Committee’s directive to deepen defense cooperation with India and the joint invitation extended by Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address the US Congress.

This resolution, together with previous initiatives, reinforces the US-India global strategic partnership and its critical role in regional and global prosperity. As India takes the lead in the Quad alliance, assumes the G20 presidency, and actively participates in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, the US Senate remains committed to deepening commercial, defense, investment, and people-to-people ties.

In a rare foreign visit, Senate majority leader Schumer led a powerful Congressional delegation to India, underscoring the Senate’s dedication to strengthening bilateral relations.

The Senate’s resolute stance reaffirms India’s sovereignty and confronts China’s aggressive pursuits, signaling a united front against territorial encroachment and a commitment to a rules-based international order.

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