World Population Day: Family Planning: Empowering People, Developing Nations.

World Population Day

Theme : “Family Planning: Empowering People, Developing Nations.
Brigadier K.G.Behl (Retd)
President All India Consumers Council, Uttarakhand
World Population Day is annually observed on July 11 to reaffirm the
human right to plan for family, encourage activities, events and
information to help make this right a reality throughout the world
keeping in view  that everyone should have a comfortable and  life of
one’s liking.  Every year some theme  is selected which according to
UN affects most.  The theme for 2017 is “Family Planning: Empowering
People, Developing Nations. Family planning is very important for
controlling population specially in developing nations where it is
linked with social and economic development.  The day is celebrated by
taking out processions  by students accompanied by teachers, carrying
placards and chanting slogans. Lectures are also arranged by some
institutions and NGOs.  Speaking on the occasion  The following facts
were highlighted by Brig. K.G. Behl, on the occasion and wanted Govt.
to strictly follow family planning.
Family as we all know starts with well educated, healthy and well to
do couples, where a society  plays a very big role. Of course the
economy of the nation plays an equally important role which influences
the environment which develops as per the requirements and needs. The
expansion of the family depends on demands which the terrain and
climate require. These requirements put a curb on the family which the
Govt. of the country enforces so that the population of the nation
remains within the required limitations.
Family planning imposes such restrictions on the people so that the
population  remains within control. In a country like India where the
population has gone beyond the limits, family planning plays a big
role. The population has to be linked with the produce of the country
needed  to feed the people. If it is not done it leads to not only
poverty but in unmanageable families.  It is a basic requirement that
the people of the country should get the basic requirements of  food,
water  and shelter besides fresh air to breathe and suitable clothes
to wear.
The Govt. has to ensure through family planning that the new couples
get married at an age when they are fit enough to stand on their feed
and earn sufficient to manage their family. The family is not limited
only to children but includes parents and other dependents. Normally
the man is supposed to be the earning member of the family but lately
as per the economy of the State it has become necessary for the ladies
to help running the family by taking up some  work to supplement the
If  girls are  given proper education  and are made to stand on their
feet before marriage they can play a big role in the family as an
educated girl can not only better manage the house but can also
educate the whole family,  besides  supplementing the income through
some cottage industry or part time job. As a matter of Principle the
boys and girls should not be married till they are capable to stand on
their feet and earn their livelihood.
Making girls physically fit  through Yoga and other martial arts
including NCC which make them strong and self  protected is essential.
Moreover they need to be  properly nourished and there should be no
malnutrition. Giving proper education to girls to bring them at par
with the boys is another way to have more power available for
development of the country. The campaign for girls (Beti Bachao, Beti
Padhao), launched by Govt. is another  measure in this direction and
needs to be further supplemented.
World Population :
The World Population is anticipated to shortly surpass seven billion,
double the amount of individuals living on Earth fifty years past.
Every day, one billion individuals sleep hungry. One billion
individuals have not got even access to drinking water. Each year 2
million children die through malnutrition.  We have to control
population if we really wish to have a comfortable life.
Inspite of the measures taken to control the population it is
still going up though at a slightly lower rate. The latest U.N. Report
says that is the present trend goes on India may equal the population
of China in 2028 and may surpass it in next few years.
India is projected to become the world’s most populous country
much earlier than previously estimated, equaling China’s population by
2028 even as the global population is expected to grow to 8.1 billion
by 2025.
Significantly, the average age of the population will be much higher
for both countries than what it is now.  By the end of the 21st
century, Nigeria could potentially displace China as the second most
populous country.
India has a  large young population now, where youth play a
significant  part. An older average population is not good for any
economy as the older people will have to be supported by the younger
generation. We must understand that the Earth available is limited and
the increase in population should be compatible with the Earth’s
produce to become subsistent to the requirement of man.“ In terms of
life expectancy, the average age for India by the year 2100 is
projected to be 80.6 years, rising dramatically from the current 66.3
Reason for increase in population are the decline in death rate,
better living conditions, protecting man from wild animals, heat,
cold, rain, floods, and storms, better health standards and better
living.  Proper family planning  giving equal rights to women  are
needed  to control the increase in population and provide all the
facilities needed for  better and comfortable living. Govt. will have
to limit the families by restricting to only two children, especially
in economically weaker sections of the society. Certain family
planning measures have to be enforced to keep population within the
limits, particularly in developing countries.


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