JEE (Advanced) on 21st May – Instructions to candidates what to wear and what not to carry

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Hyderabad: Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, has issued a list of items which are prohibited in examination centers during the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) (Advanced) to be held on 21st May.

To prevent malpractice, many strict measures are taken by organizing committee. In Telangana, as many as 15,115 candidates would appear in the examination.

It may be mentioned that similar measures were taken during NEET examination which held on 7th May wherein many candidates were asked to remove shoes and jewellery. Even few were asked to cut the length of their sleeves.

According to the instructions issued, it is clearly mentioned that electronic pen, scanner, mobile phone, Bluetooth, airphone, microphone, health band are not allowed in the examination hall.

Instructions have also been issued for the candidates appearing for the examination about their dress code. The candidates are not allowed to wear full sleeve shirts with large buttons. The candidates who wear shoes are also not allowed. They should wear slippers. Candidates should not wear hair pin, hair band and items containing metals like ring, bracelet, earrings, nose-pin etc.

According to the news published in TOI, talking on such measures, IIT programme in-charge at Narayana Educational Pvt Ltd, Ashok Kumar Veda said that such strict measures only makes students nervous.

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