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Ayurvedic Holi celebrations with the wonders of plant power

By Shahnaz Husain Since time immemorial, vegetable dyes and natural ingredients have been put to optimum use for preparing colours for Holi. They were considered not just safe, but in fact, preparing the colours with them became an integral part of the festival. Ayurvedic texts were followed for preparing these Holi colours of ancient India.…


ACCESSIBLE INDIA CAMPAIGN *Sanjay Kumar Accessible India Campaign (AIC) is the nationwide flagship campaign of the <a "="">Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice and…

Stray Dog Menace and How to Control it

By Adite Banerjie The problem of stray dogs in our towns and cities has reached a crisis situation. As stray dog population continues to grow unfettered, there is a huge risk of people being bitten by diseased animals and therefore being…

Ayurveda for Health & Beauty

By Shahnaz Husain Ayurveda is a holistic system of healing. Actually, it is not merely a system of healing, but an entire way of life. The treatments prescribed by Ayurveda are all-encompassing and take into consideration, diet,…