Celebrating World Environment Day!

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Theater resource’ is an organisation based in Pune and working in the field of Applied Theater. Using various theater techniques, this organisation aims to develop individuals and groups to perform better. The organisation also conducts workshops in various fields like acting, entertainment, Leadership, Team building, Decision making, Skill development etc. 

On account of World Environment Day, ‘Theater resource’ is treading a new path of development communication through theater. We are organizing 2 shows of a play ‘Wilson chi Goshta’ (The Story of Wilson). The shows are to be held in S. M. Joshi Socialists Foundation, Navi Peth, Pune on Saturday, 7th June 2014 at 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm. 

‘The Art Katta’ is helping in organisation for this play. 

About ‘Wilson chi Goshta’: 

Wilson, the simpleton. A regular guy with regular needs is devastated by some unforeseen turn of events in his life. One night, while thinking about his future his thoughts has drawn him close to his surroundings and the environment. 

Thus begins the Story of Wilson! A journey that changes Wilson’s life and and the life of his city. 

The original play ‘Wilson Ki Kahani’ is written in Hindi by Kaustubh Bankapure. The play is translated in Marathi by Shweta Kulkarni. This solo performance will be presented by a young talent Sagar Shinde and is directed by Kaustubh Bankapure. 

You are invited for this play. The donation passes will be available one hour before the show at S M Joshi Auditorium, Pune. Due to limited seats if you wish to book your seats in advance, please get in touch with us. 

This play can be organised with a limited resources. ‘Theater Resource’ wishes to perform this play in various industries, offices, Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations and workplaces. The idea is to help people understand about the environment around us through the medium of theatrical performance and make them aware about the ground reality. The interactive performance is presented in Hindi and Marathi so that maximum people can get benefit of this. Please get in touch with us if you would like to organize this performance for your association. 

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