EPCH Expanding Handicrafts Exports In Latin American Markets

Ten News Network

New Delhi, 15/3/2019 –  The Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) is the nodal agency for the promotion and development of handicrafts exports from India and since its inception making all out efforts for increasing exports of handicrafts through participation in International fairs, exhibitions and through organizing Buyer-seller-meets in different regions of the world apart from organizing world largest handicrafts fair entitled IHGF-Delhi Fair and product specific shows Home Expo India and Indian Fashion Jewellery & Accessories show in India.

In its constant endeavours, the Council with the support of Consulate General of India in Sao Paulo, Brazil is organizing the Buyer Seller Meet at the CENTRO de CONVENCOES FREI CANECA IN SAO PAULO, BRAZIL in Sao Paulo from 14 to 15 March, 2019 informed Rakesh Kumar, Director General – EPCH.

The Buyer-seller-meet was inaugurated by Anil Chaudhary, Acting Consul General of India in presence of Digvijay Nath, Consul Commercial from  O/o Consulate General of India and Dr. Roberto Paranhos, President, Brazil India Chamber of Commerce,  V.S. Goel, Member COA and buyers from Sao Paulo region.

 Kumar further elaborated that Buyer Seller Meet in the Latin American Region has been a successful annual event since the last five years and this is the 3RD such event being organized by the Council in Brazil since March 2017. 32 Indian exporters from the state of Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar  Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Maharashtra, Haryana, Kolkata and Madhya Pradesh are participating in this BSM and displaying a wide range of Handicrafts, Decorative, Houseware Home Furnishing, Garments & Made Ups, Shawls, Scarves, Fashion Jewellery & Accessories, Jute Bags, Bags, Fashion Garments, and Incense, Aromatics and Christmas Décor. The Buyer Seller Meet is a B2B exhibition for order booking for future supplies.

With premium products to suit contemporary demands, manufacturers in India focus on freshness and new thinking. India’s exports to the Latin American Region have seen a healthy and consistent growth with our manufacturers & exporters growing knowledge of market trends and consumer preferences.

The objective of organizing this Buyer-Seller Meet is match making of Indian companies with the Brazilian companies interested in sourcing Handicrafts, Gifts, Lifestyle products for the Brazilian market thereby creating a ‘Brand Image’ of Indian Handicrafts amongst Latin American buyers said Kumar.

The main exports markets for Indian handicrafts are USA followed by EU, Middle East and Far East.  However, Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC) are emerging as a new destination for exports of Handicrafts. Indian Craftsmanship, Ethnic Designs and colours are unique and have no comparison with products from other countries. The range produced in India is very large and wide and the quality and price structure varies from high-end market, middle end market to low-end market.

The LAC and Caribbean countries are the potential markets for the Indian handicrafts. The exports of handicrafts from India are growing at a healthy rate and stood at US$ million 3573.49 in 2017-2018. The average exports growth in exports of handicrafts from India has remained between 15 – 16% per annum. The exports of India handicrafts to Brazil was of USD 15.86 million during the 2016-17 which increased to USD 19.95 million during 2017-18.

It is expected that this Buyer-Seller Meet in association with Consulate General of India will lead to a growth in Indo-Brazilian Trade relations.

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