Fake lies peddled by Congress busted.Bots being used to build a Rahul Gandhi wave. #RahulWaveInKazakh

Prerit Chauhan

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Rahul Gandhi’s twitter handle ‘OfficeofRG’ has been the topic of various news outlets recently, citing a rise in retweets as evidence of a resurgence of Rahul Gandhi’s interaction on social media.

A close analysis of Rahul Gandhi tweets showed that these alleged ‘bots’ with a Russian, Kazakh or Indonesian characteristic were routinely RT-ing the Congress VP’s tweets. Further scrutiny of these Twitter accounts showed that the follower list was usually under 10 users and retweets comprised of random topics from across the world and those of Rahul Gandhi. Moreover, the content of these twitter timelines comprised merely of retweets and a lack of tweets which could be categorised as an original thought.

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