Govt shares allocation of Budget to Rashtriya Raksha University and National Forensic Sciences University

Ten News Network

New Delhi (02/08/2022): There is no data to indicate illicit drug trade is growing in the country. However, as per latest data published by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) pertaining to the year 2020, State/UT-wise seizures under the Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act for the year 2018, 2019 & 2020 is given below:


SL State/UT 2018 2019 2020
    Drugs Seized in KGs Drugs Seized in Numbers Drugs Seized in Ltrs Drugs Seized in KGs Drugs Seized in Numbers Drugs Seized in Ltrs Drugs Seized in KGs Drugs Seized in Numbers Drugs Seized in Ltrs
1 Andhra Pradesh 33930.522 0 0 66669.529 160 0 106042.775 0 0
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1869.208 874 0 1993.75 0 0 4032.54 0 0
3 Assam 15485.596 163525 54346.2 17352.544 1604127 7377.658 9256.162 1138466 8554.8
4 Bihar 32442.97 20516 2053.46 5124.761 4910 675.26 13162.231 333 5933.7
5 Chhattisgarh 36785.864 127277 3457.72 19953.225 86079 1308.5 29743.484 96445 988.31
6 Goa 79.469 0 0 85.215 2 0 149.542 0 0
7 Gujarat 12780.186 27126 0 14923.489 4200 0 13213.214 33030 894.325
8 Haryana 16233.507 727425 1257.723 16806.228 892131 36479.2 24695.602 1666911 2197.8
9 Himachal Pradesh 1072.006 160609 496.1 1763.853 200386 970 3899.779 3210547 14
10 Jharkhand 3463.958 1835 98.105 4073.335 3834 455.816 8830.645 4882 345.23
11 Karnataka 7489.246 2871 6 7800.718 1705 5 21729.793 12246 1.61
12 Kerala 1378.325 21075 0.012 2548.475 5661 0 3060.459 1444 2.1
13 Madhya Pradesh 3118721.42 629315 570.8 60864.128 40839 4260.01 58084.552 279760 13611.3
14 Maharashtra 19764.338 143022 908.8 20622.717 3220 4191.712 28832.304 66027 519.1
15 Manipur 40275.137 347309 6.544 46378.744 393309 48.324 4533.641 1117388 5908.02
16 Meghalaya 1417.747 69592 0 1281.983 36 79 989.816 4234 2
17 Mizoram 250.791 100 0 991.189 0 0 617.735 470 13.28
18 Nagaland 2819.686 47125 300 1732.271 260849 1.134 791.676 179373 76.6
19 Odisha 50759.897 1628 726 61993.835 0 1112.2 81847.001 0 0
20 Punjab 50045.181 6397919 368.401 44239.07 10214701 1526.716 37364.676 44649858 4517.19
21 Rajasthan 111430.2 1215771 201.86 310732.428 1510447 206.2 148602.246 3285638 64.82
22 Sikkim 15000 1040 5 16.798 0 0 50000.387 19 0
23 Tamil Nadu 12115.702 149032 0 28757.502 420 0 298785.294 5554 0
24 Telangana 6054.095 0 0 13278.093 264 0 19708.291 509 150
25 Tripura 62674.611 643755 23017.8 15858.949 2156754 858528.82 14007.145 539241 10436.62
26 Uttar Pradesh 221760.042 306740 7172146.16 272197.319 1355373 10791849.82 327420.562 1401062 965896.17
27 Uttarakhand 1609.563 117215 0 2073.105 52149 94 1848.326 450215 24
28 West Bengal 31079.905 15241 15692.604 36834.86 400747 21316.335 25509.802 363396 40627.132
  TOTAL STATE(S) 3908789.172 11337937 7275659.289 1076948.113 19192303 11730485.71 1336759.68 58507048 1060778.107
29 A&N Islands 67.963 0 0 121.999 11761 78.2 159.235 921 0
30 Chandigarh 51.709 5216 5.4 398.727 15098 2.4 95.953 5501 5.78
31 D&N Haveli and Daman & Diu+ 24.769 0 0 0 0 0 7.36 0 0
32 Delhi 6145.663 738256 1120 7895.937 1465832 3000 5483.247 123220 2558
33 Jammu & Kashmir* 19353.677 87713 7997.22 26517.388 164428 2133.3 27361.353 618361 40890.11
34 Ladakh 0 0 0
35 Lakshadweep 0.65 0 0 0.466 0 0 0.936 0 0
36 Puducherry 13.541 0 0 0 0 0 77.155 0 0
  TOTAL UT(S) 25657.972 831185 9122.62 34934.517 1657119 5213.9 33185.239 748003 43453.89
  TOTAL (ALL INDIA) 3934447.144 12169122 7284781.909 1111882.63 20849422 11735699.61 1369944.919 59255051 1104231.997

Source: Crime in India, NCRB

Note : ‘+’ Combined data of erstwhile D&N Haveli UT and Daman & Diu UT during 2018 & 2019

*’ Data of erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir State including Ladakh during during 2018 & 2019



The Government has taken several steps at national as well as international front to contain drug trafficking in the country. Some of these are:-


  1. Introduced the Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) in 2016 to have effective coordination of actions among various Ministries, Departments, Central and States law enforcement agencies. The mechanism was restructured in 2019 into a 4 tier structure:-
  1. Apex Committee (headed by Union Home Secretary)
  2. Executive Committee (headed by Special Secretary (IS), MHA).
  3. State Level Committee (headed by Chief Secretary of the concerned State).
  4. District Level Committee (headed by District Magistrate)
  1. Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) comprising of Central and State Authorities has been set up to monitor the investigations in case of large seizure of drugs.
  2. Border Security Force, Sashastra Seema Bal, Indian Coast Guard, Railway Protection Force and Assam Riffles have been empowered under the Narcotics Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act for making interdiction of narcotic drugs.
  3. Director General Level talks are being held with Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka & Pakistan to discuss and resolve the various drug related issues.
  4. India has signed 26 Bilateral Agreements, 15 Memorandum of Understandings and 02 Agreements on Security Cooperation with different countries for combating illicit trafficking of Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substance.
  5. Narcotics Control Bureau co-ordinates with various international organizations such as SAARC Drug Offences Monitoring Desk (SDOMD), Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa  (BRICS), Colombo Plan, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters (ASOD), Bay of Bengal Initiative For Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Co-Operation (BIMSTEC), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO),   United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) etc. for sharing information and intelligence to combat trans-national drug trafficking.


This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Nityanand Rai in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.

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