How to take care of your Mental Health and build Mental Strength during times of Covid19?

By Shweta Pandey (Life Attitude Coach)

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We know that times are tough and life is not the way it used to be. Tough times like these call for stronger mental strength as we have been dealing with Covid for more than a year now.

Yes, it’s a pandemic that our generation had never-ever imagined encountering. It’s not easy to deal with an unknown enemy which is attacking us in our personal and professional space, taking away our jobs, crushing our economy and above all forcing us to say untimely goodbye to our dear ones. All of this has caused immense stress in our personal lives. We and our families don’t deserve to go through this.

How can we live in uncertainty? No hope, no positivity and only loneliness.

Now while doctors and scientists are figuring out best ways to beat our enemy, we can definitely look to strengthen ourselves mentally and emotionally by following a few simple steps.

  1.     Stop consumption of Toxins

a). Yes, I am talking about toxic thoughts and talks which we keep consuming over phone, in person and social media. Avoid undesirable discussion about the Corona and its probable repercussions. You are letting negativity infiltrate in your conscious and subconscious mind which will do more harm than what you have been imagining all this while.

b).  Reduce your exposure – not just physically, but more so of depressing news on social media. You get some real humorous content on the internet, it’s time to indulge in some Buzz moments (happy moments).

c). Wash your Thoughts regularly. Yes, you need to sanitize not just germs on your hands but every infectious opinion. Check your facts and break away from the myths and gossip.

  1.     Gratitude

a). Count your blessings. Be thankful to God for everything that you still have. It’s time to be mindful and create ways to make this world a better place to live.

b). Focus on how you want the future generation to live and enjoy life and make this world more harmonious. Learning lessons because of this pandemic is to connect with yourself and live not just for yourself but for the betterment of our society. It helps to observe the positive consequences of the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns – low pollution, better air quality, ozone layer healing (one of our milestones), etc.

  1.     Back to school act

a). Remember your school days? Your favourite (at least mine) essay – “Hobbies”. It’s so very relevant at this time. One of the best ways to unwind is to indulge in your long-lost hobbies like taking care of plants, just watering the plants or placing them in a more decorative manner or taking care of your pets. Or it could be a long due passion that you wanted to pursue like learning to play an instrument, cooking, painting, dancing, yoga, meditation … anything that excites you, brings you happiness.

b). Spending time with your family. Your forgotten “To do task”, that quality time with their families/dear ones. Transition to the virtual world in a productive manner through audio/videos calls and best part, people actually got to know and connect with their neighbours.

  1. Meditation

a). It’s time to stay calm and strong. We always have a choice – either to panic or go with the flow. We cannot change or stop what is happening but can be cautious and follow the prescribed protocol. Beyond that, we can work on going back to our roots and be in a meditative state of the conscious mind. When we are calm and relaxed; we naturally create a similar environment around us thus making everyone around us calmer and happier. Meditation helps to release good hormones and we need this more than ever.

  1. Self-Love

It’s time to pay due attention to your health. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. We all need time for introspection. There can be no better time to  pursue   activities that make you feel more fulfilled. Read more, write more and share your experiences of life with the world. Connect with nature and by taking care of your body you will build a stronger mind.


These are a few tips from your Life Attitude Coach Shweta and you can share your feedback and connect directly with me on my social media platform under @coachshweta or you can write to me at and I will give you more hacks to build and strengthen that mental muscle.

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