India begins last leg of Operation Ganga

Ten News Network

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March 6, New Delhi: Embassy of India started its last leg of Operation Ganga flights on Sunday. All the students staying in their own accommodation (other than arranged by Embassy) have been requested by the embassy to reach Hungaria City Centre, Rakoczi Ut 90, Budapest between 10 am-12 pm.

Indian Embassy in Hungary as an Important announcement for the same tweeted, “Important Announcement: Embassy of India begins its last leg of Operation Ganga flights today. All those students staying in their own accommodation (other than arranged by Embassy) are requested to reach @Hungariacitycentre, Rakoczi Ut 90, Budapest between 10 am-12 pm.”

Other than this, the Indian embassy in Kyiv also urged Indians who are still in Ukraine to register themselves for the evacuation under “Operation Ganga”.

“All Indian nationals who still remain in Ukraine are requested to fill up the details contained in the attached Google Form on an URGENT Basis,” India in Ukraine tweeted.

According to the Ministry of External Affairs, around 13,300 people have returned to India from Ukraine so far by 63 flights under ‘Operation Ganga’. It said 15 flights have landed in the last 24 hours, carrying around 2,900 onboard.

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