Is it worth working abroad?
Why is it worth working abroad:
- Big salary. Abroad, people really get more. For example, the minimum wage in Germany is 400 euros. People can afford to eat well, pay utility bills, travel, buy a car, save some money.
- Successful career, new acquaintances.
- Language learning. Every day, talking to native speakers, you will learn a foreign language much faster than studying from textbooks or courses.
- The opportunity to get to know a different culture. You will be able to get to know other cultures, traditions and customs better. They may seem unusual, strange, but they must be respected.
- Travels. Working abroad, you can travel, see the world, see other cities and countries.
Why it is not:
- Work difficulties and psychological barriers. Another country – different orders. Requirements at work may be more stringent than at home.
- Nostalgia. People living abroad miss their relatives, friends, hometown very much.
- Unskilled work. Don’t think that you will be offered a good position right away. Our compatriots work as nannies, governesses, harvesting.
- Dear life. The cost of food and living abroad is several times higher. And abroad there are very expensive medical services.
- Another climate (sometimes).
Having read these tips, you should try to decide are you ready to find a foreign job, or you need a little more time to think. Remember that no one is chasing you, approach this more calmly and prudently.
What are the best places for employment?
Average salary: 900 Euros.
The most demanded professions: engineers, IT-specialists, production personnel
Poland is the most popular country among labor migrants.
Czech Republic
Average salary: 1000 Euros
The most demanded professions: IT specialists, engineers, doctors
It is more difficult to find a job in the Czech Republic than in Poland, since the local employer must first open a vacancy at the labor exchange. If within 30 days the Czech specialists do not respond to it, then labor migrants can be invited.
Average salary: 1100 Euros.
Most in-demand professions: seasonal workers, researchers, doctors
The authorities and residents of Portugal are very loyal to labor migrants, and the cost of living in the country allows you to save savings every month.
Average salary: 2,333 Euros.
The most demanded professions: IT specialists, engineers, teachers
Germany is one of the richest and most powerful countries in Europe, but getting to work is much more difficult. First, you need to know German. Secondly, local companies invite foreigners only when they cannot find a German employee for a vacant position.
Average salary: 1600 Euros.
The most demanded professions: IT-specialists, marketing specialists
Ireland is interesting, first of all, for highly qualified specialists, since local residents are actively employed in working professions. Despite the high unemployment rate, highly qualified specialists from other countries are always welcome here.
What do you need to know when going abroad to work?
- Know the name of the employing company. It must be legal.
- Even if the employer is responsible for the costs, it is still necessary to have money for travel and accommodation with you.
- You need to find out the address and telephone number of the nearest Ukrainian embassy in the host country.
- If a labor migrant does not know the language of the country where he is going, then you need to learn a few phrases for help in English.
- On the way to the workplace, report your location to family and friends.
- Register your arrival at the place of work with the appropriate official institution.
- Do not give the original passport to potential employers under any pretext.
We hope our little guide helped you. We assure you that you will not regret choosing a Layboard. Here you can find both the countries in which you can work in the future and all the contacts of the employer.
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