Kiran Bedi as CM of Delhi.

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By projecting Kiran Bedi as CM, BJP can neutralise the AAP effect and shall not allow AAP to become a political force in Delhi.  Cong can be better opposition strategically for BJP as they have poor record of governance and dissatisfaction shall be long lasting. AAP shall be an anarchist opposition where game changing probabilities are very high. AAP shall also be disturbing opposition and may not be allowing the functioning of Assembly peacefully. An emerging AAP in Delhi can be dangerous for  BJP’s growing popularity nationwide. Media attraction in delhi give them opportunity to expand national base.

Therefore just defeating AAP in Delhi election shall not be sufficient for BJP. The complete demise of AAP is the right strategy.


  • If Dr. Kiran Bedi comes to Delhi Politics AAP shall be washed out ?
  • Kiran Bedi can be strategic hammer of BJP on AAP politics ?
  • If people are seeing face of Lokpal Andolan as change agent, Kiran Bedi can be better choice ?
  • Can BJP check Arvind Kejriwal with traditional political leaders ?

Arvind Factor

  • A significant population in India trust Arvind because he comes from Lokpal Andolan.
  • A significant population believe that any criticism of Arvind or AAP is BJP-Cong conspiracy.
  • A significant population of Delhi have similar view regarding politics of Cong. and BJP.
  • A significant population of Delhi has equally bad experience of the BJP leadership therefore, BJP is also not the choice for them.
  • A significant population does not understand the true design of Arvind Kejriwal and AAP leaders therefore they have taken their promises seriously being ignorant of the fact that the promises are not practical but a smart manipulation.
  • That is why AAP’s vote share in present Lok sabha election has risen despite Arvind’s resignation as CM of Delhi in just 49 days.

Kiran Bedi Factor    


  • Kiran Bedi has served as Honest and Dedicated IPS officer in Delhi throughout her career.
  • She has an International image of a brave lady joining police service in 1970’s as first women IPS of India. Even today a huge number of youngsters derive inspiration from her.
  • She runs an NGO even at the age of 63 years and she remains in touch with community in Delhi and neighbouring area particularly slums and unauthorized colonies where AAP has significant vote share.
  • She is one of the most notable persons of international repute in terms of Prison as well as crime reform.
  • She has also received Ramon Magsaysay Award which has also been a strength of Arvind Kejriwal.
  • Kiran Bedi had been the real convenor of Lokpal Movement. By just controlling the office at Kaushambi she was sidelined to subordinated leadership by Arvind and his sycophants. Arvind used her status and position and then tried to isolate her but she maintained her presence and backed Anna when power hunger people left him. She can easily get attraction of the support base of Lokpal Andolan.
  • Compared with Arvind she can always dominate with her qualities e.g.
  1. Arvind speaks lie but she passes responsible comments
  2. Arvind is known for indiscipline but has proven life of discipline
  3. Arvind has fluctuating mind and personality of an anarchist whereas Kiran Bedi has been a firm and strict bureaucrat. She has deep faith in system of governance therefore she had a balanced view on Lokpal. She did not want a political controversy but a practical solution on the issue.
  4. Arvind used his NGO only for fund raising or awards however she continued to work on her NGO even during Lokpal Andolan.
  5. Arvind runs after media and for cheap popularity but Kiran bedi has no such past records.
  6. She is a better administrator as well as bureaucrat and public figure. Arvind has failed a number of times.
  7. Arvind is the product of the movement but she is known due to her own achievements.


  • Strategically she can be highly significant for BJP as well as Delhi.
  1. If BJP leaders criticise Arvind it is only politics, but if Kiran bedi highlights the Arvind’s gray areas it can be more acceptable to people.
  2. She knows the personality and internal dynamics of AAP Leadership therefore she can minutely hammer on their cracks.
  3. She knows the Lokpal Movement ways of campaign which is used by AAP today in politics. i.e. attracting common man.
  4. As a leader of the lokpal movement people can look towards her for change.
  5. None of the present BJP leaders of Delhi unit can counter Arvind’s public image.
  6. Arvind has always diverted debates towards controversial popularity, but Kiran Bedi has been rational on debates and educated people can go for her support.
  7. Law and Order and crime situation in Delhi may convince people of Delhi to back a successful Police officer.
  8. She is women and sensitive to the cause of women which can attract good number of women votes.
  9. May be Anna Hazare campaigning for Kiran Bedi.
  10. Kiran Bedi may attract old Lokpal supporters and Volunteers in favour of BJP
  11. Some of the dissatisfied AAP leaders may also join BJP with her as she has worked with them in the past.

Now, What does BJP’s Leadership think about the issue ?


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