For long Directors in #CBI have been caged parrots : Shantonu Sen, Former CBI Joint Director @narendramodi


Mr Markandya Katju , formerly of the Supreme Court of India had seen India ripe for a revolution of the type that France had. In his blog POLITICS dated 22.06.15 Markandey KatjuMARKANDEYKATJU@mkatju recited with anguish in his heart and a throbbing head how all our systems were in the throes of multiple organ failure. His powerful prose cut to pieces all our systems before white washing the hollowness of our Constitution.

Slightly more than a year later his forebodings remain.. But his dream of a revolution remains unfulfilled.. India is more than many times the size of France and we are not French. There will never be a revolution covering the length and breadth of the country..But will we change?

Its this transformation , sudden, thoughtless but recurrent that gives hope that India will survive. It will never go down because of those that go on being innovative despite dooms day soothsayers. Who are they?

1.This man who quit his own job to create sustainable employment in his village in Jharkand.
2.The four women Arundhati Bhattacharya of SBI,Chanda Kochar of ICCI, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw of Biocon and Shobana Bharatia of Hindustan Times who have conquered male bastions with rare panache
3.A lowly bus driver and mere construction worker, just two joined hands to rescue 45 children and five staffer from a burning school bus. Stark heroism.
4.Mumbai Metro will have solar panels at 12 metro stations and save 30% demand on electricity.
5 Over 200.tribal women who have already lighted remote villages in different parts of Rajasthan with 60,000 self manufactured solar lanterns, This is a source of continuous employment now.

Recently, successive, stings by the electronic channel has shaken the slavish organs of our criminal justice system which by toadying up to the government in power has robbed it of its independence and integrity. Head Lines Today and its anchor Rahul Kamal compelled the Central Election Commission to direct the CBI to file a FIR against a Karnatak MLA for demanding a bribe .We may not have to wait long for the erstwhile Revenue Minister Maharastra to be nailed in a criminal case on another sting operated by the same channel.Small gains but huge steps towards reviving an independent legal system.
For long Directors in CBI have been caged parrots.The shame of undetected corrupt acts in Augusta Westland Helicopter Scam by this once ace organization was exposed by the electronic channel. This has forced the creation of a SIT with an old CBI hand at the top , Rakesh Asthana to investigate these and other acts of big corruption . The present CBI lot was exposed by these channels for going slow in all these investigations.

Our organs of government are receiving a breath of life?

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