Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu inaugurates/ launches various facilities/ services through video conferencing from Rail Bhawan

Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu inaugurates/ launches various facilities/ services through video conferencing from Rail Bhawan

Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu inaugurated/ launched following facilities/services through video conferencing from Rail Bhawan today i.e. 30th June, 2016 :-

  • Dedication of Improved passenger amenities at Gurgaon station:-

Ø  Façade improvement and redevelopment of circulating area,

New Deluxe toilets in circulating area, Refurbished Platforms,

New toilets and New Platform shelters.

Ø  New stainless steel small platform shelters, Dustbins and benches (Under MPLAD funds).

  • Foundation Stone laying:-

Ø  Laying of foundation-Stone for FOB at Gurgaon.

Ø  Laying of Foundation-stone for auto car loading facility at Farukhnagar.

Shri Rao Inderjit Singh, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Ministry of Planning and Minister of State for Ministry of Defence graced the occasion at Gurgaon end. Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha was specially present to grace the occasion at Rail Bhawan end. Chairman, Railway Board, Shri A. K. Mital, other Railway Board Members, several other dignitaries and senior officials were among those present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu said that Gurgaon is very important city near to Delhi. It is also important for the corporate sector. These days for the development of public amenities at Railway Stations, partnership is very important. Today’s inauguration of public amenities is a example of such partnerships. Gurgaon station is just like a model for the development of other stations and we hope that we can develop other stations in such modal.

Speaking on the occasion Minister of State for
Railways Shri Manoj Sinha said that Railway is working for the development of Passenger amenities and today’s inauguration is an example of it. We have used CSR funds, MPLAD funds for creating these facilities which is a good initiative for the public of Gurgaon and for the Railways passengers. We hope that we will increase such amenities in future also through these collaborative efforts.


For decades Gurgaon has been a small town railway station.  Gurgaon or Millennium city has witnessed a rapid organization in the last few years thereby becoming a leading IT, Financial and Industrial hub. Minister of Railways had visited Gurgaon during Jan 2015 and desired to transform it as a Morden Railway Station.  Therefore, during the last one year Delhi Division, Northern Railway has taken a number of initiatives in giving the Gurgaon Railway Station a make over so that its image matches that of a millennium city.

Railway has renovated Gurgaon Railway Station into a modern station with the following enhanced passenger amenities and improved aesthetics:-

  1. Improved Circulating Area– Improved main entrance gate, streamlined parking and traffic regulatory system besides facade improvement – costing Rs.98 Lacs.
  2. Improved aesthetics of the station –
  1. i) Attractive murals provided on the outer and inner walls.
  2. ii) Entrance has been refurbished and the entrance area has been repainted besides creation of green patch in the circulating area.
  1. Renovated platforms and drainage system – costing Rs.1.4 Crores.
  2. New platform shelters, additional seating arrangements (RCC benches) – costing Rs.83 lacs.
  3. Provision of small shelters, benches and dustbins under MPLAD funds of Rao Inderjit Singh, Hon’ble Minster of State for Planning (Independent Charge) and MOS/Defence – costing Rs.60 Lacs.
  4. Provision of new toilet blocks for ladies, gents and physically handicapped in circulating area and on platforms under CSR project of M/s RITES Ltd.  – costing Rs.53 Lacs.

Vii       Disruption free power supply –  provision of a new DG set to ensure      disruption free power supply at the station premises.

  1. A number of green initiatives have also been taken at this station
  1. i) Commissioning of Solar Panel of 32.5 KWP on newly constructed passenger shelters
  2. ii) Leveraging LED lighting for the station premises



Our Drive to improve Gurgaon Railway Station continues unabated.

  • Works planned during 2016-17:-
  1. Provision of 4.5 mtrs. Wide FOB from Platform No.1 to outside  yard for enabling 2ndentry.  Municipal Corporation has deposited fund.  Work will commence soon.  – Costing Rs.4.5 Crores.
  2. Widening of passenger Hall and provision of Ladies and Gents toilets in waiting hall.  – Costing Rs.86 Lacs.
  3. Provision of new underground tank (cap 2.25 Lac Ltrs.) for improvement in water supply system at Gurgaon.  Work to commence soon.  Costing Rs.30 Lacs.
  4. Construction of new 20 Type II quarters –  Costing Rs.1.60 Crores.
  5. LED lights at passenger shelter, FOB, uncovered area on platform, circulating area and station building. Costing – Rs.25 Lacs.
  6. Provision of LED station name board.
  7. Provision of acrylic glow sign boards on platforms and station building.
  8. Provision of New Coach Guidance System on Platform 1 & 2 at a cost of Rs.45 Lacs.
  9. Provision of water vending machines.
  • Works planned during 2016-17 at Farrukhnagar:-

M/s Maruti Suzuki has two production units i.e. one at Gurgaon and another at Manesar.  The current rail coefficient of the production at these two plants is  less than 5% at present.  Our vision is to increase this share upto 25% in the long term by setting up an additional Auto Car Loading facility at Farrukhnagar to tap the production of auto cars from Manesar plant.  In the short term the loading is expected to increase around 10% of the total production.    This shall also provide flexibility and decongest Gurgaon Auto car loading facility.  Therefore, Farrukhnagar shall be developed as a full-fledged auto car loading facility during 2016-17.


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