More than 70% of husbands now regularly cook

National, 26 September, 2022: Aiming to understand consumers’ behavioural trends, Emami Mantra Masala, commissioned an extensive consumer survey on kitchen trends with Crownit Market Research, across over 1000 households; males and females up to 35 years, NCCS A & B, and single and married families from various professions across India.

The report states that,

  • 74% of married Indian males participate in cooking at least 4-5 times a week.
  • 66% of husbands entered the kitchen for the first time to cook, during or post covid.
  • Family members cooking has led to better family bonding, as was indicated by 93% of respondents.
  • 97% households are using healthier ingredients as compared to pre Covid.
  • 95% households also revealed in increase in the variety of their home cooked meals, post Covid. This is backed by 92% respondents also indicating an increase in usage of more variety of Spices.

Spices have always played an important role in the kitchen. The survey interestingly reveals that,

  • 66% of respondents believed that spices lose aroma within a few days post opening the pack.
  • 53% households found it difficult to re-seal their cut open spice pack and a staggering 98% expressed clear intent to buy a spice pack if it had zip-lock.
  • Close to 80% of households which grind spices at home, do it to get the best aroma, but only 26% have shown awareness towards Cryogenic Grinding Technology which ensures Best Aroma.

The survey also tracked consumption changes, pre & post covid. Here are the details,

  • 88% households indicated an increase in consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • 53% households indicated an increase in consumption of frozen foods
  • 74% households indicated an increase in consumption of ready to cook
  • 65% households indicated an increase in consumption of cooking Sauces & pastes
  • 70% households indicated an increase in consumption of packaged blended spices

To access the full survey, click here

Speaking on the findings, Debasis Bhattacharyya, President, Marketing, Emami Agrotech Ltd said, “The results from the survey are extremely insightful. It has revealed facts which shall be interesting for consumers and at the same time useful for Mantra Masala.

80% households which grind spices at home, do it to get the best aroma – Mantra Masala which is processed using cryo technology (grinding at temperatures from zero to minus 50 degree Celsius) retains the best aroma, colour and flavour.

98% of respondents expressed clear intent to buy a spice pack if it had zip-lock – Mantra Masala’s blended spices are packed with zip-lock for the convenience of consumers.

26% of respondents have shown awareness towards Cryogenic Grinding Technology – this is very encouraging and further, through our various marketing efforts, we shall strive to educate more and more consumers so that they too can enjoy Mantra’s quality offering.

We are sure everyone shall want to go through all the findings and we are hopeful that Mantra Masala will be the most preferred Spice brand amongst consumers in a quick span of time.

Emami Mantra Masala, is a newly launched brand that offers a wide range of 100% natural and authentic pure and blended spices produced through unique Cryogenic Technology that retains natural oils at least up to 95% thus ensuring the best retention of aroma, colour and taste. This spice range comes with zip lock packs and has become the new kitchen mantra of modern Indian households. The brand promises to be the best ally to every cooking enthusiast – from a novice newcomer to a kitchen pro.

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