National Energy Conservation Day

Talib Khan

New Delhi, (14/12/2018): The Energy Conservation Day is organized on 14th December each year by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power, with an aim to demonstrate India’s energy efficiency and conservation, while working for holistic development as part of the nation’s overall effort towards climate change mitigation. BEE recognizes and encourages endeavours of industries in reducing energy consumption by felicitating them with National Energy Conservation Awards. BEE organizes every year National Painting Competition on Energy Conservation and awards prizes to the national winners of the competition.

Energy is the ability to do work as for carrying out any work we need energy. This energy is available in different forms like heat (Thermal), light (Radiant), motion (Kinetic), electricity, chemical, nuclear energy, gravitational. Even energy is produced by human body though energy is required to make a start. For day to day life energy is required in above forms for use in one or the another way. Generally, the day starts with the heat of sun which can now be preserved with the help of Solar rays. But generally in houses heat is produced by either burning wood and coal, kerosene, gas, electrical gadgets. Heat is used mainly for cooking food and keeping it hot. It is also used for heating / cooling water and keeping living places warm / cool. Practically all domestic chores are carried out by energy produced by various heating devices.

It has been observed that lot of energy is wasted due to leakage either in supply or while using it for the purpose for which it is required or more energy is used where the same job can be done by using less energy. These leakages lead to lot of loss of energy and those leakages are required to be plugged and such gadgets / equipment’s be used where the works could be done by consuming less energy.  Though it looks very simple thing   but is one of the great sources of loss of energy. Eliminating these leaks and using latest gadgets can reduce heating costs up to 10%.

The following precautions came to light which if observed can save energy regularly and can be conserved for other works.

LED bulb should be used instead of tubes or conventional bulbs.

Use kitchen, bath and other ventilating fans sparingly. Turn them off when their job is complete.

Turn down your thermostat at night or when you’re away for more than four hours during the day.

Keep drapes and shades open during the day to let the sunshine in; close them at night.

Dress warmly to help retain body heat. Wear closely woven fabrics. Dressing in layers retains more heat than a single thick piece of clothing.

Use natural gas for heating. Consider switching to a natural gas heating system. Natural gas is less expensive than other heating fuels.

Boil water in a kettle or covered pan; the water will boil faster and use less energy.

Keep range-top burners and reflectors clean. They will reflect heat better and you will save energy.

Match the size of the pan to the heating element. More heat will get to the pan, and less will be dissipated.

Avoid opening the oven door repeatedly to check food while it cooks. This allows heat to escape and requires more energy to complete the job. Use a timer to let you know when food is ready.

Thaw frozen foods thoroughly before cooking.

Use a microwave to cook meals whenever possible; it uses about half the energy of a conventional oven.

Similarly, water which is also a source of energy and needs to be conserved for the posterity, should also be used in a way so that works could be done with as a little water as required and in no case it is wasted.

The energy thus saved can be utilized for other purposes where either it is not available or is in shorter supply.

National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated to make people aware about the saving of energy for the future as there are limited energy sources with us and to create a better attitude towards every activity which we do every day. Let us make a habit to save energy in whatever way we can do so in our day to day life.

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