New Delhi: IMA is the largest organisation of modern medicine Doctors. Medical Profesion in India is Going through a turbulent phase and one of the main issues confronting the medical profession today is National Medical Commission (NMC) Bill. This Bill has the potential to adversely change the character of medical education and healthcare delivery in this country. lrrevocable damage might occur in public Health from which the nation may take few generations to recover.
IMA National President, Dr Ravi Wankhedkar, an eminent surgeon is embarking on a nationwide ‘IMA Bharat Yatra” at sunrise on February 25, 2018 from Gandhi Mantapam, Kanyakumari. “Connect With Society and Consolidate the Fraternity” is the theme of the IMA Yatra.
This Bill promotes Crosspathy and Quackery. Medical education will have pro rich reservation. This anti-people legislation will make medical education expensive and make it difficult for economically and socially backword sections of the society are of the society to access. Clinical Establishments Act and violence on doctors and hospitals are some other issues, said IMA.
Dr Tandon, HSG-IMA Addressing Media Said, “Today’s press conference is for a important message. Doctor and patient relationship is changing and the distrust is building up. National medical commission bill have created a affect on our trust, Mistrust and distrust. Simultaneously yatras will be flagged off from Jammu, lmphal, Ajmer‚ Kolkata and Dwarka. Other leaders of IMA will travel to the nooks and corners of the country creating awareness. All the 1700 Local branches of IMA will conduct cycle rallies in their towns on March 11,2018. Four streams of cycle Yatras will begin from all the directions of the country to converge in Delhi”.
Dr Vinay Aggarwal, Past national president of IMA Said, “The Issue concerning health of the nation and the medical profession will be placed before the Maha Panchayat. NMC Bill is expected to top the agenda. Maha Panchayat will announce its decision and further course of action.”
IMA yatra
The IMA yatra is set to begin from February 25 to March 25, 2018
“Connect with society, consolidate the fraternity” is the baseline principle of the yatra.
A nationwide mass contact program through IMA yatra is planned to reach out to the society and fraternity to highlight the issues of community and profession especially NMC and our other long pending issues.
IMA cycle yatra
Cycle rallies will commence in all 1700 branches of IMA on 12th March 2018.
Cycle yatras will start from all four corners of country from 12th March and will converge to Delhi on 25th March 2018.
Doctors maha panchayat
It will be organised on 25th March in New Delhi.
Dr Ravi Wankhedkar starts on IMA yatra across the country to awaken the medical fraternity
He will be visiting every state personally and will flag off the IMA yatra.
All the local, state branches, central leaders and National President will move out throughout this month to create a momentum and awareness on various issues.
The yatra will be flagged off at sunrise on Sunday, February 25, 2018 at Kanyakumari.
Simultaneously team of national leaders will be starting of their yatras from various states.
An emergency conclave of strategy sessions has been called in Mumbai on 20th and 21st Feb 2018.
Several activities like cycle yatra and massive public awareness campaign has been planned.
A central team of leaders will continue the yatra into the states while the state and district leaders are expected to reach every nook and corner of their state.
All the local branch, state branch , national office bearers, CWC members, national and state leaders, sister organisations are expected to attend this mega meeting to demonstrate the one voice of the entire modern medicine medical fraternity.
The objective of all these activities is to consolidate the fraternity for action if required.
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