Schedule for Bye-election in 15-Khatauli Assembly Constituency of Uttar Pradesh

Ten News Network

New Delhi (08/11/2022): The Commission has decided to hold the bye-election to fill vacancy in the following Assembly Constituency of Uttar Pradesh.

Sl. No. Name of State Assembly Constituency No. & Name Reason



Uttar Pradesh



Disqualification of Sh. Vikram Singh, MLA


Schedule for the bye election is as follows:

Schedule for Bye-election for Assembly Constituency
Poll Events Schedule


Date of Issue of Gazette Notification 10th November, 2022


Last Date of Nominations 17th November, 2022


Date for Scrutiny of Nominations 18th November, 2022


Last Date for Withdrawal of candidatures 21st November, 2022


Date of Poll 5th  December, 2022


Date of Counting 8th  December, 2022


Date before which election shall be completed 10th December, 2022



The Electoral Rolls for the aforesaid Assembly Constituency finally published on 5th January, 2022 with qualifying dates as 01.01.2022 and updated till last date of making nominations will be used for these elections.


The Commission has decided to use EVMs and VVPATs in the bye-elections in all the polling stations. Adequate numbers of EVMs and VVPATs have been made available and all steps have been taken to ensure that the polls are conducted smoothly with the help of these machines.


Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) shall be the main document of identification of a voter. However, any of the below mentioned identification documents can also be shown at the polling station:

  1. Aadhar Card,
  2. MNREGA Job Card,
  3. Passbooks with photograph issued by Bank/Post Office,
  4. Health Insurance Smart Card issued under the scheme of Ministry of Labour,
  5. Driving License,
  6. PAN Card,
  7. Smart Card issued by RGI under NPR,
  8. Indian Passport,
  9. Pension document with photograph,
  10. Service Identity Cards with photograph issued to employees by Central/State Govt./PSUs/Public Limited Companies, and
  11. Official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs.
  12. Unique Disability ID (UDID) Card, M/o Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India


        The Model Code of Conduct shall come into force with immediate effect in the district(s) in which the whole or any part of the Assembly constituency going for election is included, subject to partial modification as issued vide Commission’ s instruction No. 437/6/1NST/2016-CCS, dated 29th June, 2017 (available on the commission’s website).


        Candidates with criminal antecedents are required to publish information in this regard in newspapers and through Television channels on three occasions during the campaign period. A political party that sets up candidates with criminal antecedents is also required to publish information about criminal background of its candidates, both on its website and also in newspapers and Television channels on three occasions.

 Commission vide its letter No. 3/4/2019/SDR/Vol. IV dated 16th September, 2020 has directed that the period specified will be decided with three blocks in the following manner, so that electors have sufficient time to know about the background of such candidates:

  1. Within first 4 days of withdrawal.
  2.   Between next 5th – 8th days.
  3.   From 9th day till the last day of campaign (the second day prior to date of poll)

 (Illustration: If the last date for withdrawal is 10th of the month and poll is on 24th of the Month, the first block for publishing of declaration shall be done between 11th and 14th of the Month, second and third blocks shall be between 15th and 18th and 19th and 22nd of that Month, respectively.)

        This requirement is in pursuance of the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Writ Petition (C) No. 784 of 2015 (Lok Prahari Vs. Union of India & Others) and Writ Petition (Civil) No. 536 of 2011 (Public Interest Foundation & Ors. Vs. Union of India & Anr.).

        This information will also be available on an App titled, ‘know your candidates’.


In view of overall improvement in the situation of COVID country wide and in view of withdrawal of restrictive measure under D M Act by NDMA/SDMA, it has been decided to follow the advisories issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India from time to time.  During the process of bye election, there should be continued focus on the five-fold strategy, i.e. Test-Track-Treat-Vaccination and adherence to COVID Appropriate Behaviour.  The District machinery should effectively monitor COVID situation and enforce the norms of COVID Appropriate Behaviour by prescribing requisite legal/administrative norms.

The Commission has issued COVID guidelines, October, 2022 on 14.10.2022 which are available on the Commission’s website to be followed during conduct of elections.

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