Tough times require tough measures: This is how China handled Corona pandemic

Aman Kumar /Lokesh Goswami Tennews New Delhi

As the coronavirus is spreading its roots in India, it’s important to understand the mantra followed by China to deal with the pandemic. Currently, every country is testing its methods to contain the virus through trial and error.

While some paid a high price, some set a high bar to contain the same. India needs to set a high bar to protect its citizens from getting infected, which will require efforts from both sides.

COVID-19 respects no national borders, cultural values, etc., it hits everyone equally hard. Where it started, how it started or how it’s spreading is less important, what is important is, how we respond to it.

China responded to the pandemic by breaking the cycle of human intervention by imposing “lockdown”.

Some people called it a violation of individual rights, but individual rights and public safety’s equations change as per the situation, and as per the situation, public safety prevailed. That’s how India needs to respond as well.

China imposed the largest and most draconian quarantine in the history of mankind. People were staying indoors, public transport was closed, factories were shut. But this is exactly what helped them in containing the virus and reducing the deaths and virus cases.

What people of China did was exceptional as quarantine is extremely restrictive but as people were honest and cooperative, they made it.

People saw it as a civic duty instead. We in India, need to do the same and feel it as our duty to protect our nation by doing our bit by staying indoors and accepting social distancing.

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