UPDATES ON COVID-19 : India has one of the lowest deaths per lakh population in the world
Ten News Network
The WHO Situation Report 154 dated 22ndJune, 2020 shows that India has one of the lowest deaths per lakh population. India’s cases of death per lakh population is 1.00 while the global average is more than its six times, at 6.04. The UK has witnessed 63.13 cases of COVID-19 related deaths per lakh population, while the metric for Spain, Italy and US is 60.60, 57.19 and 36.30 respectively.
In India,early detection of cases, timely testing and surveillance, extensive contact tracing coupled with effective clinical management have helped to check the case mortality. This is also a testimony to the graded, pre-emptive and pro-active approach the Government of India along with the States/UTs for the prevention, containment and management of COVID-19.
The recovery rate continues to improve. As on date, it is 56.38% amongst COVID-19 patients. So far, a total of 2,48,189 patients have been cured of COVID-19. During the last 24 hours, a total of 10,994 COVID-19 patients have been cured.
Presently, there are 1,78,014 active cases and all are under active medical supervision.
The number of government labs has been increased to 726 and private labs have increased to 266, summing up to a total of 992. The break-up is as follows:
- Real-Time RT PCR based testing labs: 553 (Govt: 357 + Private: 196)
- TrueNat based testing labs : 361 (Govt: 341 + Private: 20)
- CBNAAT based testing labs : 78 (Govt: 28 + Private: 50)
The samples tested in the last 24 hours has further increased to 1,87,223. The total number tested, as on date, is 71,37,716.
For all authentic & updated information on COVID-19 related technical issues, guidelines & advisories please regularly visit: https://www.mohfw.gov.in/ and @MoHFW_INDIA .
Technical queries related to COVID-19 may be sent to technicalquery.covid19@gov.in and other queries on ncov2019@gov.in and @CovidIndiaSeva .
In case of any queries on COVID-19, please call at Ministry of Health & Family Welfare helpline no.: +91-11-23978046 or 1075 (Toll-free). List of helpline numbers of States/UTs on COVID-19 is also available at https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/coronvavirushelplinenumber.pdf .
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