Visionary Move by Modi Government, but will Skill Development now get the due recognition?

Another move towards betterment, New Government took a progressive step by giving Skill Development its own distinct platform. Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi created a new ministry for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship to skill India’s teeming workforce. Sarbananda Sonowal will be heading the ministry and 25,000 cr. grant has been sanctioned to take the mandate forward.

Our country needs around 83 million skilled workers across different industry verticals by 2015 but unfortunately with our current training capacity India will produce only 3 million!! Considering the requirement of skilled youth at such a large scale, such a move will prove to be a major contributor in economy’s growth.

Unfortunately, there is a misleading belief among people that vocational courses are good for people from lower strata of the society; moreover the absence of a formal education degree just supports the myth. Students from upper and middle background are interested in getting formal university degrees whereby vocational courses remains the “not interested” option for them.

Vocational Training prepares an individual for a job and not just theoretical knowledge, it focuses on skill development which is required in almost in all sort of industries then be it retail, banking, hospitality, tourism, information technology, cosmetics, traditional crafts, cottage industries etc. It is a multidimensional field of education which opens the gateway to various career options like Typewriting, Secretarial Practices, Computer Operator, Desktop Publishing, Laboratory Technician, Librarian, Mechanic, Electrical Technician, Plumbing, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tailoring, Beautician, etc.

School or college dropouts and even adults can opt for vocational education and have a well paying career, without having the need of a college degree. The vocational courses are structured to offer practical training and skills needed to pursue an occupation straightaway. These courses enhance the chances of employability of a student and are vital as they not only help in youth empowerment, but also contribute to national development.

As evident, shortage of skills has resulted directly into unemployed youth graduates, who pass out every year and are forced to be re-trained in order to become marketable. To curb the situation of having unemployed graduates on one hand and a huge shortage of skilled workers on the other hand, new government must take corrective steps in giving learning skills its much deserving status of a degree and respect of a formal education.

In addition, to these points students must feel motivated and enroll for such courses as these courses assure stable jobs and provide growth opportunities, as any other degree course.

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