IMS Ghaziabad Celebrates International Yoga Day with Faculty and Staff members

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IMS Ghaziabad proudly celebrated International Yoga Day on June 21, 2024 under the leadership of Director, Dr. Prasoon M. Tripathi with a vibrant and rejuvenating yoga session conducted by the esteemed Yoga Guru, Raj Kumar, an expert yoga practitioner and naturopathy practitioner. The session witnessed enthusiastic participation from the faculty and staff members, highlighting the institution’s commitment to promoting health and wellness within its community.

Dr. Prasoon M. Tripathi, Director- IMS Ghaziabad, extended the welcome address and discussed the meaning of Yoga and meditation and how it is important to our life.

The celebration began early in the morning with an inspiring introduction to the importance of yoga in our daily lives, emphasizing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Raj Kumar, renowned for his expertise and profound knowledge of yoga, led the participants through a series of invigorating asanas, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques. His guidance provided a refreshing and enlightening experience for all attendees, helping them connect with their inner selves and achieve a sense of tranquility and balance.

The session concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks to Raj Kumar for his invaluable contribution and to all the participants for their active involvement. The event not only emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also reinforced the sense of community and collective well-being at IMS Ghaziabad.

IMS Ghaziabad remains committed to promoting holistic health practices and will continue to organize such events to foster a healthy and balanced lifestyle among its members.


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