I.T.S Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Greater Noi1da observed "WORLD AIDS DAY" with a global theme of  “Leadership. Commitment. Impact.”  on 1 st December 2016, while joining the world community in its fight against the epidemic of entury.On this occasion a programe was organized by the Dept of Oral Pathology in the Vidya Hall of the College. The chief guest for the function was Dr Shireesh Jain (District TB & AIDS Control Program Officer- Gautam Budh Nagar) and Guest of Honor was Dr Bharat Bhushan (Deputy CMO & Nodal Tobacco Control Officer, G.B Nagar).Dr Shireesh Jain said that AIDS is a life threatening disease”, today’s generation is getting trapped in this awful disease by their mistakes. He insisted that we should behave and maintain a friendly relationship with the AIDS patient, which will create awareness for the AIDS among the people. He told that that despite sensitisation campaigns still in the Indian society there is stigma, discrimination, marginalisation of persons living with HIV this slow down HIV prevention and treatment efforts since infected persons are forced to hide their status.Dr Bharat Bhushan told the gathering that patients suffering from AIDS are not different from other people of the society. He said that we should not discriminate them and they should be  treated equally in the society. The main focus should be to "get AIDS down to Zero” by 2030 with help of all stakeholders of the society.Dr. Anmol S. Kalha (Director, PG. Studies) delivered a hard hitting speech on the global effect of HIV -AIDS and what role the college and dentists can play. He told that to harness the power  of social change we have to put people first and close the gap. He said that ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is possible, but only by closing the gap between people who have access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services and people who are being left behind. Dr. Puneet Ahuja, Principal gave talk on “Current Scenario of HIV-AIDS”. He told the gathering that 1st December has assumed a great significance as a reminder to the world community to play an affirmative role in controlling HIV/AIDS, an epidemic, threatening to wipe out or render ineffective, the most productive population groups. He presented various facts and figures of HIV -AIDS related to the global scenario and the Indian Context through an eye opening power point presentation which was followed by a video presentation on the "Myths & Misconceptions" about HIV and AIDS.On this occasion the students, Interns & Faculty Members of the college keenly participated in a Quiz Competition on HIV-AIDS. The winners for the competition were first year B.D.S students who were awarded prizes and certificates by the dignitaries.The program ended with a pledge to "get AIDS down to Zero” by 2030.
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