Galgotias University becomes First Private University to conduct Value Added Courses on Non-Violent Communication

Greater Noida, May 4: Galgotias University conducted a valedictory ceremony of 30-hour value added course on Non-Violent communications on 30th April 2022.

This course involved a series of lectures on the theme ‘Non-Violent Communications’ designed and delivered by GSDS, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. The lecture series was an outcome of a collaborative effort of Department of Humanities, School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University and Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS).

Galgotias University in general and School of Liberal Education in particular has been committed towards providing value education towards an all-round development of its students. This course was a small step towards fulfilment of the same commitment. The course on Non-Violent communications was made available to our undergraduate and post-graduate students for their overall academic and personal development.

A pre and post survey too was conducted and presented in the event to map out behavioural change among the youngsters. The survey indicated towards a positive intervention and held a future prospect of constructive impact in students’ lives. The report was designed and presented by Dr. Manasi Sinha, Dr Pratyush Bibhakar and Dr Shikha Shrivastava from School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University. The report soon will be published in form of a book in collaboration with GSDS.

In a nutshell, the value-added course on non-violent communications has enormously influenced the mindset of the young students to an extent for three dimensions i.e, verbal aggression, anger and hostility as the findings confirm through the survey. For physical aggression, they survey shows significant difference in behavioral paradigm making the course highly relevant in dealing and managing aggression issues among students. The overall discourse of non-violent communications has marked a significant presence in the campus as we receive number of narratives coming from students about using, promoting and initiating non-violent approach in their communications with peer groups, family and friends. Followings are some of the narratives received from students who have joined the course on ‘Non-Violent Communications’.

“It has impacted me in day-to-day life, like now I’m more concerned about other people’s comfort. And it’s been very useful in knowing myself and then improving things that needs to be improved. “Non-Violent communication has taught me patience, and compassion towards society. Now I think more about my actions before I do anything. And I also think about it’s consequences. In family also I try to resolve issues by discussing it. Because I truly believe a simple talk can resolve lots of disputes. So in my society there is an uncle who is very angry all the time. So one day he started fighting with a youth for parking his car near his house. It was turning into a massive fight. I simply requested him to control his anger and I also made him understand there is no need to on a silly topic like that, and finally he understood, and I was glad that I was able to stop that thing. It’s all because of studying nonviolent communication,” Divya Kumari BA (H) political science, Galgotias University.

“It has impacted my behaviour as a person as we got to learn the ways how we can end a fight verbally without using such kind of violence. Rather than harming the opponent we can sort things out in a better way. It has changed me as a person my behaviour my personality. As nowadays it is hard to find, who can sort the things out without using violence as this session of nvc has helped me a lot and had a great impact on interaction with family and friends. As within friends and families we may experience some sour situations but this enables to make things happen in a better way and help to sort the things out. It has helped me in resolving conflicts as rather than the usage of violence we can use our words to answer the opposite person. Rather than turning the things violent and destroying we can make it work in a better manner,” Aysha Saifi, BA (H) political science.

The event was graced by the presence of Aradhana Galgotia, Director (Operations), Galgotias University. In her welcome remarks Aradhana Galgotia emphasised on the relevance and necessity of Gandhian Philosophy in contemporary times general and Non-Violent communications in particular. Additionally, the event was graced by the presence of Dipankar Gyan, Director, GSDS; Dr Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer, GSDS Renu Sharma, President of Beti & Shiksha Foundations among others. The initiative was was convened by Dr Manasi Sinha, Associate Professor and Programme Chair of Department of Political Science, SoLE and Dr Pratyush Bibhakar, Asst. Professor (Sociology). The organising committee constituted faculty members from School of Liberal Education viz. Dr Ishrat Jahan, Asst. Professor (Economics), Dr Apeksha, Asst. Professor (English), Waseem Akber Baba, Asst. Professor (Sociology), Ramesh Chandra (PhD Scholar, Galgotias University.

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