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Freedom is not Free

New Delhi (14/08/2024): As the bells of freedom at midnight begin to ring in our ears today on the eve of the Independence Day of our great country, we the people of India, the Bharat, need to remind ourselves of the great sacrifice our…

The Conflict & Mindset

In the battle for a fulfilling life, the most significant conflict often takes place within our minds. Our thoughts shape our perceptions, influence our emotions, and ultimately dictate our actions. Winning this internal war is not just an…

Lokesh Garg – An Inspiring Musical Journey

Question 1: Can you tell us about your musical journey? What inspired you to start making music and singing? Answer: Music is a divine gift, and those who have it in their hearts are truly fortunate. It acts as a natural remedy,…

Tesla Vs. BYD – Which Car Should I Buy?

While most carmakers have entered the EV space, the two names that stand out are Tesla and BYD. While Tesla was leading for several years, the fight with BYD is almost neck and neck in the present day. In Q4, CY2023, BYD had raced ahead of…

Kashmir is back to its good old days

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has often proved predictions wrong. The story was no different in case of Kashmir. After Article giving special status to the " jannat on earth" was abrogated some of its leaders predicated a doom. One of them…