Authority CCEO meets with Industrialists and MSME representatives, heeds to several demands!

Ashish Kedia

On thursday afternoon Noida Authority Chairman and CEO Alok Tandon along with other senior officials held a meeting with industrialists from the region. The meeting was attended by representatives from MSME, Mahila Udyami Sangthan etc.

The major demands raised during the meeting including giving free hold land status to Noida on which the Chairman informed that matter is being discussed at apex level in the government. The fraternity also demanded for an industrial Representative in board meeting on which the authority officials agreed and said that they will consider to invite industrial representative as a special invitee.
On Lease rent issue the gathering was informed that One time lease rent has already been implemented in Noida and interested parties can take benefit of the same by paying sum equal to 15 years of lease rent at once.
Industrial fraternity also raised concerns of having no testing lab and no raw material market in the city on which authority informed that they are doing GAP analysis and as per findings the necessary action will be taken.
The concerned members from the industries also demanded that Industrial activity should be linked with citizen charter. On this demand Chairman assured that industrial activities will be completed in time bound manner.
Mahila Udyami Sagthan of Noida also participated in the meeting and informed the Chairman that they have more than 100 women entrepreneurs in their association and they need an office in Noida. Noida Authority Chairman assured to consider their demand.
It was also decided in the meeting that an industry-authority meeting will now be organized every two months in the district.

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